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Elise was hugging herself, hoping the shaking of her hands would stop. It always happens when she gets very anxious. She can't stop it.


Elise looks at Cleo, knowing that she won't outrun him. The little girl feels her heart drop when she saw the worried look on his face.

"You should be enjoying the party." Was her automatic response when he finally reached her hand. His concern flooded her senses like a tsunami and she even felt more bad for worrying him like this.

"Aubrie, talk to me." Cleo whispered, ignoring the looks from other guests. Elise forgot the party itself. Forgot how to enjoy the beauty it held.

The breeze was literally whispering into her ear, echoing Cleo's words. Petals danced in between them as they were under watchful eyes. Of course, she's human. Cleo's not. This wasn't normal. She was an epitome of the unknown to everyone.

Trees rustled as the lanterns rattled. Chattering ceased to a halt. The breeze played around as the sun blessed everyone with its light. Fluttering of wings from creatures, buzzing of wings from faeries, stomps of feet from others, giggles, joyous laughter.

Why was Elise not happy?

"Aubrie, please." Cleo begged and Elise snapped out of her own maze of thoughts to look at the boy.

The boy who showed her this kindness, this pure innocence. This boy who would die. This boy who else had come to like. His touch so soft like the petals that danced in between them, as soft as the petals she puked.

His ears who twitched in anxiety, his lovely, fluffy tail that swished from side to side in worry. His eyes that solely focused on her.

"I don't deserve you." Elise whispered in defeat. She walked closer to him like he was some sort of predator but instead of treating him like one, she only placed her forehead on his shoulder, enjoying the feeling she felt when they touched.

It gave a light and relaxing feeling to her.

Cleo hushed her as he hugged her closer to him, protecting her from everything. From the noises and the watchful gazes from everyone.

"I don't deserve you... " Elise mumbled again, feeling so tired. Elise hated how immediately she turned this party into a bad event for both of them.

But her disease was actually getting worse. It was giving her symptoms that causes her to act irrationally.

"Don't be like that. You're not pushing me away with that. I chose this." Cleo said pleadingly. "But please, tell them. Tell them, please. I'm so tired of seeing you like this. I can't handle seeing you in pain. Tell them, Aubrie. I'm scared of seeing you like this... "

"Like what?"

Cleo scowled when Hugo butted in, he looks mad as he looks at both of them.

"Is my best friend sick? What are you two hiding?"

Elise sighs. "Hug---"

He whipped his head towards her direction and Cleo subconsciously hid Elise behind him.

"Don't." Cleo warned.

"I don't care what you think is good for her but if you know Elise enough, you'll know that babying her will just making her cower!"

Cleo hissed at his words. "You don't know that. If Aubrie wants to be alone then leave her alone!"

"Just because she wants to be alone doesn't necessarily mean it's okay to leave her alone." Hugo said, his anger dissipating as he looks at the squirrel. "I've been her friend for a short amount time but at least I know that much."

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