Thirty Two

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Elise watched with a blank look as another naked nature danced from outside her nature.

He was shaking his booty as he sang in that ugly tone that made the birds fly away in fear that maybe there's some threatening ungodly being close by.

And there is.

A naked one.

But when he saw Elise, the little girl was surprised when she saw this gorgeous golden eyes that seems to pierce her heart for some reason. It was like she was driven to be pulled into him for some unknown reason.

And then his eyes twinkled beautifully that seems to be a worthy opponent of the sun with how beautiful his eyes shine.

It took Elise's breath away for some reason.

"Hi!" He called her in this smooth and creamy voice that seems to snap her out of her stupor.

Fetching every composure she had left, she scoffed and crossed her arms. "Who are you? How did you enter the boundaries?"

The boy, with usual silver hair that glimmered and bobbed as he skipped a few steps closer to her window, smiled widely. He also seems to have a fluffy brownish orange tail and pointy ears that seems to twitch every once in a while.

Well, Elise had seen all different kind of unusual so she didn't get too surprised with the boy's appearance.

"Ah!" As if realizing his mistake, he grinned at her. "I am your loyally humble servant from now on!"

He then grabbed something on the ground behind him, causing Elise to look away when he bent down and giving her a show of his...

You know what? It's nothing important.

It's just nature, right?

Right. Just nature.

When he finally cleared his throat to get her attention back, she looks back at him with her brow raised questioningly.

"What the heck is that?"

"A golden acorn."

"What?" Elise blinks. She knows that it's a golden acorn. She could see how golden the acorn is. It looks like a golden acorn. It smells so golden .She's asking what he's going to do with the golden acorn because the golden acorn is too goldenly golden to be given away. 

And he looks like he's about to give it away when he raised it with his head tilted to the side with this soft, kind smile that made Elise's heart feel guilty for being cold to him.

His golden eyes twinkling again.

"I give it to you, master."

Elise's eyes were as wide as a the sun with how he called her and how he was willing to give a golden acorn to her, a stranger.

A stranger!


He smiled cheekily and began to caress and hug the golden acorn like it's some baby of his.

"It's my family heirloom that has been with us for decades---"

"Y-You... " Elise was speechless. Really. She was speechle--- "Are you out of you mind? Family heirloom?"

"And had been fought tooth and nail for it for generations by my ancestors---"

That doesn't make her feel so good now.

"And is the only precious thing we have in our home!"

Elise groaned.

Great. Another weirdo who is saying weird things outside her window about acorns and how it's so golden that it's literally shining right in front of her and how he was giving the precious golden acorn that has been fought for forever and probably had ghosts who would forever be guarding the golden family heirloom and would kill anyone who would have it that is not the present family members who were also probably fighting tooth and nail for trying to protect the treasure. Not only is it a sacred treasure in their family but it is probably the only treasure they have at wherever home he goes to.

"And I stole it!" He gave her a toothy smile that just seems to be so innocent that anyone would have probably forgotten his words.

But not Elise. No.

How could she forget his words? It was literally ringing in her head. He stole it. Like it was some candy that could be easily stolen from a baby! But it's not any kind of baby. It's probably the whole ancestors and family that would marching up in her ass at any second now.

She doesn't know why she's even caring for the boy in front of her window.

They've barely met. She doesn't know his name.

And yet, Elise seems to be connected to the boy.

Like she's worried about him.

"You... You stole... Oh, goddess." Elise pinched the bridge of her nose as she inhaled slowly to try and calm her heart down before exhaling. "Why the hell would you steal it? Hmm?"

He hummed thoughtfully, making Elise more annoyed at his easygoing attitude. "Well, according to tradition, if any of us found our fated master, you would give something important to them. In this case, it's... "

He then raised the golden acorn to show his important sacrifice.

His golden acorn.

"Put it back." Elise ordered, making the boy gasp in horror. He looks so crestfallen that Elise would have been killed with guilt if she didn't know the fact that he stole something important from his family.

"If my fated master rejects me then I no longer deserve to live." He said theatrically. "I shall kill myself."

Elise hummed in acknowledgement. "Instead of killing yourself, why don't you just... Y'know...trudge home?"

"No! According to the rules, I would have to die if I am rejected!" He cried.

Elise groaned. He reminded her of a certain brother that seems to just be a pain in her ass constantly.

"Go. Home."

"No! Give me a knife, master! I will die in front of you to at least show my loyalty and passion to you."

"You are naked and it is freezing. You would have a frozen hotdog before you could even kill yourself and you are weird and you have a weird glimmering acorn. Go home and be loyal and passionate somewhere else!"

"Masteeeeer!" He kneeled down and cried up at her in this theatrical way that makes Elise sigh in irritation.

Before she could answer back, she saw Alice trudging towards the boy with...

With a golden slipper in his hand. She saw how the boy jumped at the sudden presence of another being.

"Oh, I'm gonna whoop you butt when I get you!" Alice shouted. "I told you to go home! But nooo, you keep saying weird things! Out of what happened today with Elise bleeding for no reason at all and Elise falling out of a tree, you are the weirdest thing ever!"

Elise blinked blankly. Huh. The boy should take that as a compliment. She knew herself and she knew that she'd take it as a compliment.

Behind Alice was mama, who looks oddly happy.

The boy looks at Elise again with a hurried smile. "Anyways! My name is Cleo, master!"

Before Elise could reply again, the golden acorn was running straight towards her.

And had hit her forehead. Hard.

Causing her to black out but before she could fly to unconsciousness, she saw the golden slipper flying towards the naked boy who'd been standing defensively up at Alice.

And all she could think of was 'what the fuck.'

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