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Well, this is absolutely shit.

Elise was literally pulled like a ragged doll by Bella towards Marielle and Isobel, who greeted her so warmly that it made Elise warm up a little after the whole flower incident.

"We gave you freedom and what did you get?" Marielle asks after Bella strode off to greet a group of her friends.

"Uhh... What?" Elise asks in confusion. What did she get?

"You brought a pet." Marielle said, pointing at Bella, unashamed.

Isobel gasped when those words fell out of her daughter's own mouth and slapped her shoulder warningly, causing Marielle to yelp dramatically in pain.

"Ow! Mama!" She whines, pouting.

Elise snorted. "That's what you get for calling a person a pet."

Isobel clicked her tongue in disappointment. "Darling, it's rude to say that. Even if it's your day today, it's still not something you should be saying to your guests!"

Marielle huffed. "My day be damned. I hate it when Eli gets a friend." She then was glaring holes at Bella's back while the poor girl stays oblivious about Marielle. "Who knows what that girl's intentions are."

Isobel sighed, shaking her head. "I'm sure she won't be a possible mate for Elise, darling."

Elise winced at the thought. "Hello? Hi. Glad to grab your attention. I'm a human kid here who once lived in the human world and in the human world, kids my age don't get mates because we're too young. I'm young! I don't like those kinds of things yet! I like gore histories where eyeballs are used for healing and nails are pulled off to make a potion or something!"

"Elise!" Isobel said in horror, looking like she had just imagined those kinds of things.

Marielle snickered while looking at Elise in disbelief. "You're too young to think about love but you're not young enough to think about gore? Gore! Something that little girls like you don't read!"

She glares at Marielle. "Careful on who you're calling little." But then Elise blinks at her in confusion. "What do you mean? I thought kids at my age read those?"

Isobel sighed, looking at Elise in pity. "No. No they don't, sweetheart."

"Then, what's the point of books like those if children aren't going to learn about it?"

"I think you were raised by a demon." Marielle blurted out, earning her another slap on the shoulder by her mother.

"Ow! Stahp, mama! Quit it!" Marielle hissed, rubbing her sore shoulder.

"Not if you quit first!" Isobel grumbled, narrowing her eyes at her daughter.

Marielle only rolled her eyes and looked at Elise pointedly. "And I was raised by a monster who could kill somebody with just a fucking slap."

Elise snorted. "I think you're just the monster who's being tortured by an angel, Mari."

Isobel sighed in relief. "Thank you! At least somebody agrees that my other daughter's a complete monster."

Marielle glared playfully at Elise. "I thought you were on my side, traitor? And who are you calling angel?"

Isobel gasped at the young woman, looking like she was clearly offended. "I'm not an angel to you? Is that what you're saying? After I fed you and raised you?"

Marielle hummed thoughtfully but she looked like she was only teasing their mother. Isobel took it to heart though and just pouted.

"I'm offended!" She outbursts.

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