part 17: enough's enough

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"Oh come on, (name)!" Urged the stubborn hybrid once again, making you grimace lightly as you kept your gaze fixed on the flower twirling between your fingers. Doesn't this boy ever know when to quit?

He's been at this for months upon months, trying to coax you out of your everlasting slump, often taking you to funland, the various repaired food establishments and has even offered you to take classes to little homeworld to get your mind off of things. And you took all of these offers, not only to actually try and distract you from your deep depression, but to also try to get the boy to leave you be.

Now, you could handle his constant begging. It was annoying, but it was kind of him. Earth was fine, and its food was good. But what got under your skin the most was his persistent effort to get you to go back to that damned broken up planet called homeworld.

You appreciated his efforts. You really did. But if were to be honest with yourself, you'd smack him upside that stubborn, fluffy head of his if he wasn't such a sweetheart.

"Don't you at least WANT to try and see some of homeworld's new attractions? Like the diamonds, I heard that they started their powers for-"

"AUGH!" You groaned loudly, getting up from your seat from the cracked steps of the old lighthouse, throwing the dainty plant off to the side storming up to the persistent curly haired gremlin and jabbed a finger firmly into the teen's chest. "Listen, honeychild, I ain't in the mood for this today!" You snapped, causing steven to flinch back, wide eyed. "I ain't going anywhere near that nowhere planet and there's no way yer ever gonna make me!" Steven blinked, his mouth partially opened in astonishment, before he grit his teeth in the frustration. "Come on (Name), you can't just-!"

"E-Excuse me..?"

The both of you flinched as you heard a soft voice come from somewhere beside you both. Steven turned and almost instantly put on an air of false cheerfulness. "Oh, Volleyball!" He called with a slightly forced smile, which caused you to look at him and lift your brow in question. Volleyball? Who the-? You turned to see who he was talking to, only to find yourself taken aback by a familiar one-eyed pearl. "Pink pearl? Whatcha doin' here, thought you were in homeworld?"

She looked especially sheepish as she fiddled with her hands, walking up to you both, smiling uneasily. "Hello, steven.. pardon my intrusion, but, um... I came looking for (name)..." she hand her hands folded over her chest. You knitted your brow into the look of curious concern. What...? "Because, well you were taking a bit longer than usual... and spinel... not even blue's clouds are working... she's not even letting anyone in pink-" She paused, shaking her head briefly. "I-I mean her room.. no matter how much the diamonds had pleaded-"

"She's doin' what now?"

Pink pearl flinched slightly, taking a step back. As expected, her one eye looks you up and down in mild unsettlement, but soon a surprisingly relieved smile brightened her face. "Oh... there you are, (name)!" She took two steps towards you and set a hand on your shoulder. "Spinel... she hasn't been feeling quite well since the uh... injector incident." She frowned sadly, looking down to the ground. "In fact... she's in quite a dismal state... no matter what we've tried, she can't seem to lighten up... she hardly speaks anymore..." she looks back at you, her eye pleading. "So we thought that... maybe... just maybe... you could snap her out of it."

"Really now..?" You raised your brow, at the pearl, to which she nodded sadly, stepping back to fiddle with her hands again. "Yes... you were closest to her during the whole... ordeal... so... perhaps you'd be able to get through to her." You stared at the thin gem for a moment, mulling her words over in your head. "Is that right.." After a minute or two, you looked down, thinking it more thoroughly.

So... I'm not the only one who's gone downhill since this whole fiasco.

You frowned sympathetically, rubbing the back of his neck. Well... one can only be so stable after 6,000 years of nothing. You thought back to the first day you... "met" spinel.

Past spinel.

Such a sweetheart.

Such a lovely smile...

Such an infectious goofy demeanor...

And that pink dimwit had the nerve to leave her behind, but for what reason? Proof that she was mature? As if!

She was a bit clueless and overly curious, sure, but she could have learned! She was smarter than she let on.

She had the potential! She was able to take the crystal gems out in a single swoop, and possessed the tactical knowledge of a peridot!

What other spinels could've thought of a scheme as great as the one she came up with many months ago...

Your face darkened as the past faults started to uproot themselves, as you remembered... remembered how that innocence twisted itself into something sinister.

To wipe the gems out...

To rid steven of his fancy powers... so he could die alone on a dead barren planet...

For just... one single person.

She was Wily.



You grimaced remembering the scornful ringed eyes baring into yours, as she wheeled her fist back, to deliver a blow that would forever stick with you for as long as you lived. I really want to see that face again?

You slid your hand down your face, grimacing at the ground as a torrent of emotions swirled through your head, a sickening mixture of good and bad memories bobbing in and out of your mind, prompting you to groan in your throat, and clasp your hands to your ear tufts, tugging at them.

I may as well be corrupted again, with all these damned emotions clouding my thoughts!

You let out a frustrated groan, and abruptly start to speedwalk down the hill, away from the lighthouse.

Whether I like it or not, this is the only way to nip this in a bud.

After exchanging glances, the startled pearl and teen hastily ran after you. "(Name)!" Steven called. "Where are you going now!?" You didn't look back at him, and instead replied with a determinated yet mildly irritated response.


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