part 2: just perfect...

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your mouth fell open in a terrified gasp as you covered your mouth. "whoa whoa this has got to be a misunderstanding!" Steven blurted uneasily. "incase you haven't heard, I've established peace all across the-" he was cut off by an annoyed sneering voice. "yeah, yeah yeah, I've heard. I've gotten your little message to the universe... on LOOP!!" she booms, her leg stretching all the way down from the top of the pink injector, and kicked Steven back a few paces. this prompts the gems to summon their weapons in defense, as you stared in shrank in your spot. "I just loooove that part! where pink diamond spends the rest of her days on this.. NOWHERE PLANET! with a bunch.. of... NOBODIES!" with that scornful remark, she jumps down from the massive vehicle, bouncing toward the group with unsettling elasticity.

from there, she started to sing a rather catchy tune about meeting his other friends. as she did, she toyed around with the gems, showing great bouts of agility and evasiveness, as she easily avoided garnet's gauntlets, and smoothly slid over to pearl, flicking her pointed nose, stretched her way over to amethyst, harshly pulling her hair face and finally to you, grabbing your suspenders and yanking them back a few inches then releasing them, causing them to smack into your back and knock you onto your face. she then suspends pearl from her feet and dangled her for a few moments before moving over to amethyst, knocking her back and forth between her feet a few times, finally maneuvering over to garnet who was being shaken over her wavy arms. after getting her fill on playing around with the gems, she slithers her way over to steven who was helping you to your feet. she takes hold of you both as well as the other gems, and lifts herself upright, causing you all to meet into a painful dog pile, swinging herself onto the nearby building to observe her handy work.

you pushed yourself up in a daze, rubbing your head. as garnet shot up, visibly annoyed at how the pink gem easily took them down in one swoop. "she's running circles around us!" amethyst wasn't expecting it to be that big of a challenge, as she hasn't had to fight for quite a while. so she was naturally irritated. "I'm rusty. give me a BREAK!" pearl, appeared troubled, looking to the ground."it really is her... but she can't be serious." you looked at her quizzically as Steven sat up straighter in interest. "you know her, pearl? can you tell us who she is?"

everything went still for a moment, and you took a moment look up at the pink gem, faintly making out her trembling in what appears to ve anger, before she bursted tunefully, "who am I? WHO AM I!? WHAT are you even saying!? I'm the loser of the game you didn't know you were playing!" she suddenly pulls out some type of object from her gem. "let's play another game, this time I get to win!" once it was in her grip, it formed into a... oh stars no! it's been decades since you've seen one, but you recognized that dreaded pink scythe from anywhere. "LIFE ON THE LINE, WINNER TAKES ALL, LET'S BEGIN!" right then, she started right back up into her aggressive singing. this time she was how it she was eager to... BEAT Steven's other friends now, as she swings the dastardly thing around with amazing grace and precision!

after brandishing the weapon around and kicking steven away once again, she finally comes to a close as she slinks around the base of her injector, and all at once, sling shots herself toward the group and SLICED them in half, poofing them all in one swipe. this was enough to infuriate Steven as he summoned his pink shield. "that's enough!" he exclaimed, amusing the psychotic pink thing, as she carried on with her jeers. "aw, what's the matter steven? miss your friends already? well don't worry..." she suddenly jumps into action, swinging the dastardly object with amazing speed. "YOU'RE RIGHT BEHIND THEM!!" with that she slashes at him, slicing through his shield! it hits him, causing him to jitter as an unknown energy surges through him, but it overall didn't cause true harm to him. seeing him still standing only prompts the pink gem into swinging and slashing at the boy MERCILESSLY, laughing maniacally as she did. enough's enough!

you scowled, reeling your arm back as far as you could and with with a wild swing, you lash your hand out towards the gem, grabbing the weapon's handle and yanked it out of the pink gem's grip. steven gasped, gapping at you, looking shocked at the fact you were still in the mist of this while pink gem, on the other hand, gaped at you in bewildered anger. even from your distance, you saw on how manic she looked. there was another emotion there, but the heat of the situation prevented you from looking any farther. shaking off your nerves, you swallowed the knot in your throat and glared best you can, pointing the weapon at her threateningly. Steven now looked terrified, at the fact you practically challenged the wayward gem to her face. "N-no, wait! what are you doing!?" spinel blinked, looking starstruck for a split moment, before a menacing cackle erupted from her. "oh, so the replacement gem wants to play to, huh?"

before you could think about moving, she storms towards you, swelling her fists clenched. "so, ya think you can just walk in to try and protect what's left of her, huh?" she asked getting unnervingly close to you, prompting you to scuttle back, raising the scythe into the air, as a warning. left of her?? replacement?! what is she talking about!? her grin widens to an uncomfortable length as she tipped her head to the side. "you don't talk much, do you? hm, that's interesting." she purred, a mocking tint in her voice as she closed in. "but you're a bit too late. your precious savior won't last long. he doesn't stand a chance against my injector!" she growled, her head thrusting into your face, her eyes jumping around like googly eyes. "not after what I did to his gem!~" she takes hold of the scythe with one hand and pulls you close to her face, causing a blush from you. "and after which... you and I will play a new game. only I won't be playing fair..." she throws her head back and cackle rather insanely. while she was distracted, you took this chance and yanked the scythe out of her grip, and with all your might, swung it at her, watching disheartenly as she gave her last breath of insane laughter before poofing, her gem falling into your hands making you drop the pink weapon in the process.

Steven raises over to you and falls to his knees, jittering as the scythe's power surged through him before fading. Steven caught your worried stare and offers a tired, weary smile. "um... th-thanks." You simply nodded, before looking back down at the heart gem, frowning at the fact it was a pretty perfect-cut. Steven reaches over and taps it, preparing his usual bubble technique."we better bubble her, before she-" as he taps it, however, it pops almost immediately.

"what?" he attempts it again and again, but nothing would happen. he then takes it into his hands and tries to concentrate a bubble onto the gem, straining himself until he finally gives up. confused, he lifts his shirt to inspect his gem, only to find it pulsating in a strange light. "what's going on..?" you bent down looking at the pink gem pensively for a moment before looking back down at the gem in your hands, looking back and forth between the two gems. there's a connection between these two, isn't there?

"hey... you wouldn't happen to know any of this... would you...?" you look up at him, and stare up at the troubled hybrid, frowning at the tired look he held. and you couldn't say for certain if you fully knew what transpired here. but you had a hutch that it involved his mother. bless the gem for the boy's existence, but it seems as if her lack of thought just keeps on piling up on her poor son. you looked at the gem, then to the scythe, crackling at your feet and then to steven, giving him a small nod. he had the faintest hint of relief as he sat up straighter. "this.. might seem out of the blue... but... do you.. think you could... help me out with this...?" you tipped your head to the side for a moment, a tad taken aback from the request. kind of off for the teen to ask a stranger gem for assistance in this newfound catastrophe, but given that his friends were poofed with a particularly devastating weapon, you knew he was gonna need all the help he could get.

you give him a smile and nod.

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