part 8: purple gem hunt

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"So big guy, where do ya wanna start this search first?" You asked walking beside him with your hands behind your head in a relaxed stance, your eyes ahead. "I reckon she couldn't ve' gone far." You tipped your head back, in contemplation. "Just gotta check the places she'd mostly be at." Steven threw a questioning glance at you. "Where would that be?" He asked, sounding sharper than he probably intended. "She could be anywhere around beach city!" You gave a little side glare at the boy, sneering slightly before shutting your eyes. "Look (hun/son), it's as easy as it sounds," you said, your tone between the lines of dry and matter-of-fact. "Think of the places she'd most likely be at and use that fancy pink lion of yers to check them." You reopen your eye to fix him with a sturdy glare. "Think you can do that?"

Steven blinked at you, mouth open like he was astonished, before directing his gaze back ahead of him, looking pouty. "R-right... I knew that." You grunted with a roll of your eyes and trekked faster ahead of him. "Right then, mr. Know-it-all," you quipped playfully, unlacing your hands from behind your head. "Let's find that fancy lion and get this show on the road!" You then beckon to spinel. "Come on, spinny!" With that, you book it into the city, to which spinel giggled and ran after you. "Comin', (nickname)!"

Behind you, steven had groaned and ran after you both. "AND THERE WILL BE NO FLIRTING DURING THIS SEARCH!"

"No promises!"


From there, you spinel and Steven are off looking for Amethyst in every place you could think of. And during this time...

Well, you made the most of it.

Of course you did help on the side, but you couldn't help but divert your attention away from him to sneak a little compliment or wink to spinel, to keep her entertained. Not that you really needed to try.

Everything you said made her blush and giggle, and she'd cartoonishly swoon and bat her lashes at you while you praised her.

Unfortunately, you weren't sneaky enough and steven was quick to catch onto your affectionate acts towards her. As much as it bothered him, you both didn't really slow him down, so he just tried his best to ignore it.

There are more important things to worry about...

"Say aaaah.." his face crumpled as he heard you coo to spinel from behind him, as he rode on lion through a neighborhood. He practically saw you waving a donut in front of the pink gem's face making her giggle and open her mouth, taking a bite out of the donut you held, getting a bit of frosting on her lip. "Ya got a little somethin' there, doll." You reached over and swiped your thumb across her lip, ridding her of the spot. "Ere' ya go, darlin'."

"Do you guys mind back there!?" Steven snapped his head back at you two, prompting you to snap your head back at him, pouting slightly. "Ey now, boy, we weren't doin' nothin' wrong!" He huffed in irritation. "I can't think with you two being all cutesy with one another!" He crossed his arms and knitted his brows. "Besides, you should be taking this seriously!" You scoffed, handing the half-bitten donut to spinel, setting your hands on your hips. "Okay look, ya can't expect to just hold up a donut and expect her to run to you like a rat to cheese! She forgot what food even is!" You explained flicking the back of your hand into the pastry for emphasis. "No, we gotta hunt her down the old fashioned way." You then looked away in thought, hopping off lion and rubbing your chin. "Now then... judgin' by how she was when she reformed, she mimicked things that caught her eye..." you stood there thinking before snapping your fingers. "She's probably stumbled her way into someplace that caught her eye!" Steven scoffed impatiently. "Where would THAT place be??"

As if on xue you caught sight of rustling curtains in the corner of your eye. "Bullseye. " you muttered, eyes narrowed and fists clenched. "Come along, now." You muttered almost inaudibly, speed walking over to the garage, slipping through the curtains. inside, you snorted in slight disgust, picking up potent scents of paint and onions. "Homeworld sakes, that's an odd stench..." Shaking your head, you walk around for a bit more, until your foot bumped into a painting. Instinctively you look down at it and you're taken aback by a very.... life like painting... you crouch to it's height to further inspect it. "Golly..." You absentmindedly bring a hand up and touch the corner, amazed at the detail. It was just.. so life like.. it's like it's staring right at you...

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