Part 15: frustrating emotions

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When you arrived back on earth, in the center of little homeworld, you were immediately hit with a rancid sulfuric stench that wafted faintly in the air, which made you repress a gag and wave a hand in front of your face. Can't believe how potent that stuff is... it'll be months before the air freshens again... With a groan, you step off the warp pad and start to get a look at your surroundings.

Many organic residents of beach city still resided in the gem village due to the damage done to their city, though the gem residents offered their best comfort and support to them, specifically the children, providing toys and promises that things will be okay. Of course this warmed you up inside, seeing the gems and humans communicate and interact so civily between one another after eras of a one sided scorn between the two races.

However, that warmth was quick to diminish, as a few people caught sight of you, namely your new blemish, and most either stared with lifted brows of concern or gasped in startlement at the spooky appearance your ringed eye gave off. this only caused that ice in your metaphoric veins to spread all through out your body, making you grimace faintly. Great. you thought bitterly, as your walk turned into more of a speedy stomp. Thanks to that unruly rapscallion, I went from makin' others smile to makin' em spooked. you grumbled, curling your lip so your sharp teeth would show and glint in the sun's light. Can't believe I let this happen... all because I fell in love... I let my guard down too quickly...

...Maybe that's my problem.

Maybe... love too easily.

"Hey, (name)! You're actually back!"

you froze at hearing a loud, cheerful voice call to you from behind. and judging by its volume, and the heavy footsteps approaching it was a certain big gem. Oh great. before you could think about fleeing, a massive perwinkle hand is suddenly clapped into your shoulder, knocking your cap off your head and almost knocking you off your feet, forcing you to bite back a swear. "We've been worried all about ya lil gem!" The voice chuckled as it turned you around, turning you to face none other than the B-team, with of course Bismuth being the owner of the rough hand. "You gave us quite a scare back there, little buddy! But thank the stars that yooouu.." her voice trailed off at getting a good look at your face, her smile faltering in unease at your grim expression. "-ooh boy."

"Ouch..." lapis winced, her own eye squinting at the sight of yours. "She... got ya good, didn't she?" your grimace deepened as you replayed the events in your head, her scornful sneer forever etched into your memory. Boy did she... peridot suddenly steps forward and raises a hand to set a hand on your cracked cheek. "Does... this hurt or-?" before her hand could make contact, you curtly slapped her hand away. "No!" you snapped in a defensively, making the gems flinch back. You glared for a second before quickly realizing what you did.

"Er... s-sorry..." you muttered sheepishly looking down. "I... just don't want to be touched right now." You looked at the ground, and the b-team exchanged worried glances at one another. "Sorry this happened to ya, buddy." Bismuth asked, setting her hand gently back on your shoulder. "Is... there anything we can do to help you with this...?" your surly expression softened subtly to where you just leaned more on the sad/grouchy side and you took her hand off your shoulder. "I don't know, there, big fella," you sighed tiredly, holding her hand in both of yours. "I... just figured this all about not too long ago. This... is still a bit much fer me to take in at the moment. So it's best if ya let me be for a while now..." You patted her hand in gave her an uneven smirk, which came off as more of a sneer. "But, if I were you, I'd focus on the hero boy, steven." you let her hand go stepped back, a bitter undertone making itself present in your visage. "Stars only know how well he'll be when the past of pink dimwit finally sets in." you snickered, but it was in more of a mocking manner as you shook your head. "Bless her gem, pink meant well, but she has the mental capacity of dirt and the thought process of a corruption."

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