part 9: remember those feelings..

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Ah, pebble pellets, this ain't workin'.

You thought miserably as you reluctantly danced alongside spinel as she and garnet danced enthusiastically along with the screaming, bustling crowd and blaring music so loud you were convinced you'd poof from the overwhelming atmosphere. "Aren't you having fun, (name)!?" you barely hear spinel over the screeching crowd as she looked up at you with bright childish eyes. You forced a smile to appease her, but internally, you were begging for it all to end right now.

After the song ended, you stopped to take a breath as the crowd cheered and garnet and spinel fangirled with one another. For diamond's sake... let something enjoyable happen right now...

A sudden flash of light catches your attention. "Wha-?" You raise your head, startled at a puff of smoke that had formed on the stage. You tip your head to the side in curiosity. What's all this now? out of the smoke cloud came... a four-limbed being with a wild mane and odd pompadour. in his arms were a double-necked guitar. "Well I'll be darned.." your eyes widened as he took his jacket off, and threw it to garnet, who was beside spinel whose face had suddenly dropped. Huh...?

From there, a song of being independent was played. It... was actually nice. Inspiring even. Having your own freedom and independence... It was quite the performance! Beautiful, calming, colors, graceful dancing in the sky, smooth singing... "Now THIS is what I'm talking about!" You grinned, clapping your hands together. "Right, dollface?" You look over to spinel, and felt a chill stab your chest... at the almost.. dejected look on her face.


Her eyes were glassy and tears threatened to spill over. she looked bitterly hurt. so much so, you could almost swear you felt it in your chest. "Hey... you okay there, shug?" You reach for her, but before your fingers make contact, spinel suddenly broke into a run, tears streaming down her face. "S-spinel! Hey hun, wait--!" You ran a few paces forward, an arm extended in a silent protest. "S-spinel..."

"Wait! Spinel!" You barely hear steven behind you as he knelts onto one knee in fatigue from his fusion performance. Pearl, now with her full memories back, gasp in alarm at his state. "Steven, are you okay??" Steven shakes his head dismissively. "D-don't worry about me, it's spinel." He affirmed, trying to ignore his exhaustion. "We need her to remember how to turn off her injector." You straighten up, and clench your fist determinedly. "Leave it to me!" You claimed, already starting to walk towards where she left off. "Don't y'all worry none, I'll have her turnin' that doohickey off faster that you can say-"

"I... don't think so."

You paused, taken off guard by the abrupt sharpness in steven's voice. After standing bolt straight for a moment, you turned around, lifting your brow, unsure if you heard him correctly. "Beg your pardon?" Steven, fighting through his fatigue, stood up and fixed you with a tired glare. "I'm going after her." He stated firmly. "You should stay back and look for survivors." Both eyebrows lifted into the look of surprise, as you turned to fully face him. "Er... no, kiddo, I insist." You reassured, looking him up and down. You winced at just how tired he looked, sneering sympathetically at the poor boy. "I think you ought'a take a break and let me handle spinel." You point a thumb at yourself. "I'm closest to her. And I think I have a pretty good idea as to what happened to her..." you offered a soft smile to him, walking over and placing a hand on your shoulder. "Trust me, (hun/son). Y'all just try to reserve whatcha got left. Heck, try workin' at garnet er something. But please. Let me try and help you like you helped us."

Steven stared at you, tired, but reluctant. "Come on, kiddo, give em a chance." Greg urged, patting his back. "Yeah, dude. Looks fusion took a everything out of you." He wearily glances back and forth between the duo before looking back up at you. Your eyes were sincere. Finally, he heaved a heavy, defeated sigh.

"Just... Be careful, (name)."

"Darn it all!"

Racing down beach city, you cussed to yourself, as you found yourself at a loss as to wear spinel could have went. Should've followed her right when she ran out! You groan, shaking your head, slowing your pace as you try to clear your head and think. Come on, now (name)... if you were spinel, where would you have run off to? You stopped in front of a house to mull the possiblities over, until caught glimpse of a blue glow, coming from a room in steven's house, making your "ears" perk. Bullseye. Without a second thought, you ran into the house, following the gut wrenching sounds of sobbing, which led up a flight of stairs and into his warp room. There, you found her.

Poor spinel... weeping to her hands rather loudly.

Tears stung your eyes, threatening to still over as you drank in the pitiful display. She just looked so... hurt...

Swallowing the knot in your throat, you took a few slow steps forward, reaching a hand out for her. "Hey, sweetie..." the pink gem turned to you, tears streaming from her eyes with the most sorrowful look you've ever seen on her pretty face. Oh, you poor baby.. ".. (n-name)..." she hiccuped, her mouth twitching as if she were trying to smile at you. she sniffled as she tried to wipe her eyes, only for more tears to spill out and soak her cheeks again. You slowly walked over to her, kneeling down in front of her before wrapping your arms around her, to pull her into a tender hug. From there, she sobbed louder. "Hey hey hey.. shhhh... shhhh... it's alright now." You cooed, gently rubbing her back in comfort. After a while, her sniffling calms down, and you take the opportunity to bring a hand to her wet chin and lifted it, so she could face you. her glassy, teary eyes stared sadly into your sympathetic (color) orb of an eye. her pupils quivered as she tried to dampen her sobs.

You use your thumb to wipe a tear from her cheek, not removing your gaze from hers. "What happened back there, dollface?" You asked as gently as possible. "Why'd you run off on me like that...?" Her lip quivered as she opened her mouth to reply. "I...It's just... I... I started getting these feelings flooding back to me..." Your eyes flashed at these words. This must be it... the story behind her person... you ran a hand over her head in comfort before lightly asking; "F-Feelings..? like what..?" you asked lightly, as to not offend her. she looked at you for a moment, with tears streaming down her face. she then looked down, as if she were trying to think back. "I... remember..." She began, falling deeper into thought. "Did... something hurt you in your past..?"

her eyes flashed. "My past?" she then stared off in a distance, zoning out almost. A small smile came to her face, as if she were remembering something happy... but as soon as it appeared, it dropped into an pained glower. "NO!" in a burst of grief-stricken anger, she slams her fists into the warp pad you were both on, activating it. She hugged you closely as both raced through the bright tube of blue light. "Spinel!" You exclaim in surprise, hugging her tightly. "W-where are we going, dollface?"
Spinel didn't look up at you. She only pressed her head into your chest as she softly replied in a solemn voice.

"Back.. to where I never left..."

You know, originally, this was supposed to have you bicker with steven, but I didn't wanna make tired stevie here seem like a bad guy. He just wants a happily ever after. ;_;

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