part 14: shattered feelings

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The word echoed in dully your head like a water drop in an empty cave.

"I... I got... sh- shatter-" you stumbled slightly, prompting steven to jolt forward, gripping your arm while yellow let you lean against her finger. You set a hand on your forehead as you leaned back again yellow's palm, trying to keep yourself from poofing in overwhelming shock. "H-How...?"

Steven frowned, gently pulling you back onto your feet, regarding you with weary eyes.

"Well, (name)..."

"Is everyone in beach city okay?" Steven asks. Garnet was silent for a moment. She brings a hand to her visors and adjusts them before sighing. "....Not everyone."

Naturally, everyone gaped at the fusion, eyes widening as they began to look around, counting each other for any missing faces while Steven's face went pale. "Wh-what?" Steven stuttered nervously. "Wh-who did we lose?" wordlessly, she holds up a bubble and pops it letting a cluster of (color) shards fall into her open palm. A horrified gasp erupts from the crowds and Steven's hands flew to his mouth. "I-Is... is.. that...?" Garnet nodded once. "Couldn't get to them in time when they fell from the injector..." She explained sadly. "It was already badly cracked on the way down... but it shattered upon impact on one of the legs..."


Steven flinched, taken aback by how monotone your voice sounded as well as how your composure had completely changed now. Opposed to the previously distressed and panicked state you previously showed, you now looked deadpan, as if you weren't surprised. This sudden change in demeanor startled the boy immensely. "She actually did take me out like that, eh?" You murmured lowly, looking at your feet, your expression souring. "Tch. Guess that's what I get for lovin' too quickly..." You smiled bitterly at your feet, shaking your head softly.

Steven rubbed his arm sheepishly, frowning uneasily at your uncharacteristically grim expression. "U-um... W-Well technically, the injector leg took you out and-"

"Where is spinel now?" You asked abruptly, making hybrid flinch. "Well... Um... sh-she's here. In the palace." Your brow lifted. "She's what, now?" You must have sounded sharper than you intended, because Steven backed up a step, raising his hands slightly. "Sh-she's better now! We've sorted things out and... now she's living here in the palace!" Your "ear" twitched as you looked at him with a near dry expression. "Hm..." You stood for a moment, mulling the words over in your head before sighing, itching behind your ear tuft with a sigh. "That's good, I suppose." Your voice had a grimly dry note in it, and the cartoony draw to your southern accent had dimmed down to where it was almost unnoticeable. "And earth? How's that doin'? Y'all okay? No other casualties?" Steven shrugged, sneering somswhat sadly at your change in demeanor. "Well... earth's still recovering a little... but we're getting there." He said, looking away in thought. "But um... yeah, everyone else is okay." You nodded in response, with a slight grumble. "Good." You muttered, before looking up at him, the side of your mouth turned upright in the vague shape of a smirk. "Ya got your happily ever after then after all, eh (hon/son)?" Steven sighed at this question, almost tiredly. "Well... Yes... but no." He answered honestly, making you lift an eyebrow in question.

"There's... no such thing as happily ever after." He explained. "...There will always be work for me to do." He stared off to a side for a moment, before shaking his head. "Not that it'll be a problem..."

You grimaced, faintly hearing the pink gem's sinister, mocking voice echo in your head.

Not that it'll be a problem...

You glared at the ground, curling your lip to show your sharpened fangs more.

To think... she actually did it...

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