part 12: spinel vs spinel

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You felt your body run cold as you heard spinel's voice growl to you, as she grabbed you from behind and lifted you off the injector's surface by your suspenders. She swung you around and were faced with her manic magenta eyes as they looked you up and down, a unique mix of spite, disappointment and faint hurt present behind those ringed eyes. After a moment, a bitter grin cracked her face as she made a 'tch' noise. "...shoulda known you cared more about Universe than you do me." she muttered bitterly, causing you to wince. "Even after everything his mommy dearest put me through... put US through, ya still have the need to keep the little brat she created alive..." swallowing a knot that had formed in your throat, you shook your head, fighting off the sting of tears. "It ain't like that spinel... y'all just ain't thinkin' clearly." you replied in a steady voice. "Yes, what Mrs. pink did to you was cruel. And you have every right to be mad n hurt, but golly gee, a whole planet and a child? that's too much ain't it?"

Spinel stared at you with a deadpan expression for several seconds before breaking out into laughter. but not the laugh you knew. it was a bitter, near mocking cackle. "Too much!? Wow!After everything she's done to us, you think that me getting rid of this filthy rock is too much!? Ohoho man!" she laughed a bit more before whirling around and slamming you into the injector's surface fixing you with a scornful smirk as you scrambled to your feet.

"Seriously, how could I have ever fallen for some weak-willed loser like yourself?"

your breath became caught in your throat, as it had become tight in hurt. quickly, however a molten anger flared to life in your chest and you finally mustered up a glare at the pink gem. "N-now, y'all don't mean that and you know it!" spinel scoffed and placed her hands on her hips in a haughty stance. "oh, I don't now, huh?" her tone was dry. she shook your head. "Honestly, I see why the others would wanna keep you around." her tone then dropped back into a dry groan. "'re even more stupid than past me was! Always seeing good in the things that aren't! why don't ya wake up and smell reality, ya fink?!" You find her words angering you even more than you anticipated and you clenched your fists. "Aw, you're just angry because your unstable, broken mind likes to jumps to conclusions!" Spinel flinched in genuine surprise for a moment before a cocky grin stretched her lips. "Oh, so NOW we got quips, do we?" Her voice was mockingly cloying, which made you grit your teeth. "It's the truth, honey!" You exclaimed indignantly. "Y'all won't listen to reason, because your head's so shattered ya can't process anything other than words to twist into your own sick assumptions!" spinel scoffed loudly and stomped a foot. "Oh really!?" she snarled. it appears you finally struck a nerve.

"You have no right to say that," she seethed. "Because you can't understand what I feel, toon twit!" you growled, gripping your hair tufts and pulling at them. "I've been corrupted for half my lifetime from the desicion of the same damn person that left ya! Of course I do!" you then snapped your head up to glare at her with ringed (color) eyes. "Oh, but at least you were happy during your 6,000 years, am I right?" spinel looked absolutely flabbergasted by this before the look of black rage seeped into her face. "Oh, ya really went there, huh, hotstuff?!" you let out a bitter cackle, finally releasing the grip on yourself. "Yeah I did! it ain't like anything else I'm gonna say can help ya now! You're so far in the past ya can't hear right!" Spinel let out an incredulous laugh and took stance. "Oh, now the toon twerp wants to fight, huh?" You snorted, taking off your hat and with a clap of your hands, make it disappear in a flash of light. "Well, obviously sweetness won't work anymore," you stated plainly. "You're too far gone to be reasoned with. perhaps if I run ya down enough, you'll actually listen!" spinel, apparently liking the sound of this smiled menacingly, taking a fighting stance. "But let me tell ya," you announced taking stance as well. "This is gonna hurt me, more than it'll hurt you." with that you run at her, wheeling back a fist and knocking her across the face, making her stagger back a few paces.

She had the look of total shock for a moment before a short cackle erupted from her. "WOW! You'd actually choose the safety of some rock of a planet and it's worthless so called savior," her fist swelled up as she spoke, her tone also climbing in menace and volume. "Over ME!!" she swung it at you, to which you evade by jerking to the side, and thinking quickly, you grabbed her arm. "Oh, I wouldn't need to be doin' any of this," you snarled. "If y'all would just LISTEN!!" in a swift motion you swung her around and slammed her onto the ground. "I understand what ya feel, and whatcha been through, dollface, but ain't no excuse to be demolishing an entire stars damned planet!" you stood over her, tears suddenly erupting from your eyes. "trust me, I don't wanna do this! but if I need to knock sense into ya to make you see what you're doin' then I will!" shaking her daze off and climbing to her feet, she fixes you into a spiteful glare. "knock some sense into me, huh!?" she tips her head to the side, as if she were cracking her neck. "WELL! let me knock some sense into YOU!" she runs at you wheeling back a large fist and throwing it at you, knocking the wind out of you as it collided with your stomach. "I don't care what you say, or how YOU feel about this wasteland planet!" as you staggered back, another punch was thrown at your face, making you fall back with a grunt. "I'll stop at nothing to make sure I destroy it like it destroyed my life!" she storms over to you and rears back her foot. "Even if it means getting rid of YOU!" she then kicks you hard, making you cry out and skid across the pink surface. "Not that it'll be a problem..."

her words stung like ice.

"Why can't you just listen, spinel!" you cried out in pain, both physically and emotionally as you started to get up. "I don't wanna hurt ya like this!" just as you tried to recollect yourself, you suddenly felt someone harshly snatch your suspenders and hold you up. "Aw what? Has the poor kiddie toy lost the fight in em already?" spinel mocked, a cocky smile on her face. You struggled in her grip as she made her way over to the edge of the injector. "Ya know...? I only came here to take my anger out on a buncha strangers." she then dangled you over the edge, smiling maniacally. "But now that I know you..." her gaze was sinister. "I wanna kill you even more." You thrashed about in her grip and grasped the hand she was holding you with in both of yours as tears streamed down your face. "COME ON SPINEL, SNAP OUT OF IT!" you screeched, kicking your feet. "I know  you're still that adorable, loving spinel under all of this madness! Why won't ya just listen to me!?" Spinel had a deadpan expression, before bringing you close to her face. "Why should I believe anything that comes out of your mouth anymore? It all means nothing to me now." she then wheels back a her fist.


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"Just. Like. You."

The last thing you heard was the sound of cracking, as well as steven's alarmed cry as your world was abruptly sent into darkness.


Not a good fight scene, but I could always re-tweak it when I need to.

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