part 21: Getting the picture

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"See... isn't this nice?"

You rubbed her back gently, letting her rest against you as she took deep breaths, still shivering from residual sorrow, occasionally wiping at her runny nose

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You rubbed her back gently, letting her rest against you as she took deep breaths, still shivering from residual sorrow, occasionally wiping at her runny nose. After a second or two, she nodded her head meekly. "Y-yeah... a little..." she muttered, her voice barely audible over the waves. You smiled softly, resting your head against hers, wrapping your arms around her and pulled her closer to you, with her wrapping her arms around you in turn, and you both take a moment to absorb the atmosphere that had formed in that moment.

There was a peaceful, yet plaintiff silence between the two of you as you just sat in the setting sun's light, bathing you both in a comforting warmth, as the sweet Seabreeze blew through your hair, keeping you from getting too hot. On top of that, there was the soft crashing of waves as they lapped at the shore gently, the occasional, distant call of a seagull sounding over them every so often.

For the first time since your shattering, you genuinely felt at ease...

"U-uhm... (n-name)...?" Spinel tentively broke the silence. Your "ear" perked slightly, snapping out of your daydreaming trance to regard spinel with a curious hum. "Yes, hun?"

There was a moment of hesitance.

"U-uhm... Th-thank you... for this." She nestled her cheek into your chest, feeling a warmth spread in her cheeks. "E-even after everything I did... ya still... ya still wanted to make me... feel better... s-so... uhm... th-thank you." there was another pause, as she shut her eyes, relishing your warm embrace. 

You blushed, feeling your cheeks burn in modesty, simply pulling her closer to you with the faintest of smiles tugging at the corner of your mouth. "N-no problem, doll."

Even if you tried to tell yourself otherwise, you've desperately missed being able to hold spinel for the longest time. Past or present form, there was always that faintest aura of cuddly warmth that radiated around her.

However, your basking was suddenly cut off when she suddenly broke away from you, scooting a few paces away from you. You felt a sudden coldness from this, and you knew it wasn't from the breeze. "Spinel?"

"I-I.. I'm sorry." She uttered, hugging herself. "I... I missed ya a lot... I really did... b-but now that I think about all it..." She took a deep breath in and sighing heavily. "I... I don't... know about this..."

You felt a sharp jab in your chest, and you quickly got onto your knees, eyes wide in a sudden sense of alarm. "What're ya talkin' about?"

She doesn't look at you, and instead opted to keep her back to you. "I... I shattered you, (name). I broke your face... I broke... you. I... have a lot of work to do before I could trust myself to be with anyone else... let alone a gem like you." She hugged herself tighter, feeling your somber eyes bare into her back. "B-besides... You could do better."


There was a harsh note in your voice, which broke spinel out of her sulk with a flinch. "Hu-?"

When she spun around and faced you, you placed your hand on her cheek firmly, startling her slight, staring into her eyes with intense sternness. "Don't act like I'm the only one that's been hurt, spinel. You and I know perfectly well that ain't the case." Your eyes quivered slightly in an unknown subtle anger. Spinel blinks, taken aback by your sudden anger. "Wha... but I-"

"Spinel, you're hurt just as badly as I was, and it is as plain as the scar on my face." You flicked your bang, showing a glimpse of your damaged eye. Spinel winced at the sight, but you continued, undeterred.

"Standing in a lie for 6,000 damned years by somebody you put all of your love and trust to will mess ya up just as bad as corruption will. Neither of us knew what was happening during these times now, did we? You had no idea what pink was doin'. I sure as homeworld didn't know what I was doing. But ya know what? It happened. You were left. I was corrupted. I was shattered by you because you were lashing out from trauma. It happened. It all happened and there's nothing we can do about it. It's all in the past."

You took a breathe, letting her mull your words over, as she just stood in silent shock. After letting out a shaky sigh, your glower softens into a sad expression. "...all's we have now is the future, spinel. And as of now, our future is a great big puzzle. All of the pieces are scattered about. And it won't be as easy to gather them all up on our own... Besides, why do that, when we have each other now?"

 Besides, why do that, when we have each other now?"

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"If we gather all the pieces... we can make a beautiful picture."

Spinel stared at you for the longest time. "I..."

"I've only seen you for what you were made to do in the past..." a playful, genuine smile enlightens your face, as you leaned closely to her face. "...but now, I'd love to know you for you now. What do ya say?"

"(Name)..." for the first time since you've seen her, a light smile creeped up her face as she followed your movement. "Eheh... are... ya sure about this? I mean... look at me. I'm a bit of a mess still, don't ya think...?" You made a soft hum. "Look at me. At least you still got that cute smile of yers."

Spinel let out a short but light cackle, rolling her eyes playfully. "Oh please."

You yourself snickered, running a thumb over her cheek. "I ain't lyin', dollface." Spinel's cheeks burn as she lets out a grunt of mock frustration. "You n those stupid pet names.."

You chuckled, and tilted your head at her endearingly. "So.. Ya ready to start a new game?"

Spinel chuckled, placing an arm around your back pulling you closer.

"Let's press start."


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Probably too sappy, but hey, you both made up.

♡Goofy together♡ spinel x spinel readerWhere stories live. Discover now