part 22: well into recovery

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"Ha! Tag! Gotcha, (nickname)!"

"Aw gosh dang it!"

You pouted playfully, coming out of your hiding spot behind a pillar to find spinel prancing away from you with a goofy, teasing smile on her face. "How do ya do this!? I thought I stumped ya for sure!"

Spinel snickered, standing a cartoonishly smug pose, looking at her glove clad nails. "Oh, you know.. I've had years of trainin'. It's a gift, really." She then casts you a playful smirk, her eyes scanning your head. "And your big ol' bunny ears kinda gave you away."

Almost as soon as she said this, you give a feigned scoff of offense, pulling your ear tufts down, with a goofy look of anger. "Ohhh, you better take that back, ya pink rascal!"

She snorts and gives a small, genuine giggle, turning away from you, and looking over her shoulder at you teasingly. "Only if ya catch meee!~" with a taunting sway of her hips, she bounds off, cackling mischievously.

"Ooooh, you lil sneak!" With a hearty chuckle, you bound off after her, unaware of the spying gems around you, smiling gleefully as they watched you both.

Ever since you had finally agreed to stay with spinel on homeworld, after only a few days into your stay, spinel's mood had significantly improved. Her eyes were no longer dulled in grief and regret or ringed in annoyance and anger. They now shined brighter than White's gem, filled with more energy and cheerfulness than Steven did when he was younger. Maybe even peaked over Pink's energy alone. Like any spinel should, she now wore a silly, comedic smile on her face, and moved around in a cartoonish fashion with exaggerated emphasis on some expressions, her eyes bouncing around like googly eyes at specific movements and of course using her elasticity and flexibility for various means of getting around the palace and entertainment.

To top off her update, her humor has returned at full swing. She joked much more than she used to, though it did have a bit of a darker undertone in it now, usually jokes aimed at her past or barbed comments regarding her former playmate. But those were mostly said between her and you.

Speaking of you... You also had an update in behavior. You were pretty much a copy of what she is; goofy, cartoony and cheerful, though you were a bit more subtle with your playfulness, and still a bit modest in some parts.

"Man, Spinel and that (color) Spinel really hit it off!" Commented a nearby quartz from Aubergine pearl's latest tour group. The pearl nodded, smiling serenely. "Very much so! You could say those two together are like their cuts; perfect!"

And it was true; you two were the perfect comedy duo. You were the more quiet and calmer gem of the duo, and spinel of course was more outgoing and wild. She did most of the talking out of the two of you, whether it be introducing yourself to new gems or performing for either gems, humans or the diamonds, while you occasionally added a little tidbit here and there or responding to one of your and spinel's many rehearsed lines. Sometimes you'd both talk in unison to add more of a comedic edge to your routines. It payed off at seeing the smiles in everyone's eyes and the sounds if their laughter.

However, you both made sure not to be overbearing with your newfound humor, and took some "days off" to relax with each other and go off to earth to enjoy some of its attractions, and/or hang out in her room, talking about good parts of your pasts, gossiping about random era 2 gems or just enjoyed each other's presence in silence. This often lead to sleep, a concept most gems nowadays were familiar with.

In a distance, blue pearl, along side yellow and Volley, smiled as well. "They do make a cute pairing don't they?" Asked volleyball, giggling softly as she watched you two run down the corridor with glee. Blue pearl nods, smiling in the sheepish way she usually did. "Most certainly. That (color) Spinel is truly a wonder."

The other pearls nodded, giggling amongst themselves as they watched you suddenly transition from running on two legs to all fours, bounding across the floor like a rabbit, easily catching up to the pink gem in no time flat before hopping back onto your feet, once close enough, wrapping your arms around her waist, effortlessly lifting the pink gem off the ground and pulling her into you into a warm, loving embrace.

"I gotcha, dollface!" You smiled in a cheeky manner, coiling your arms around her.

She gave a semi-loud hearty laugh, playfully pushing at your chest with a dark pink blush on her cheeks. "That's not fair, ya ran at me like a wild animal!"

You smirked smuggly at the pink gem. "Oh ya know... had years of trainin'. It's a gift really."

The pink gem grunted, thumping your chest lightly with a pink fist, repressing a snicker. "You're such a dork!" She hissed, smiling into your chest.

"Correction; Your dork!" You giggled, nuzzling your cheek into hers.

Spinel scoffed playfully. "My biggest dork."

"Why you little-!"

In a burst of happiness and energy, you started to spin and dance with spinel, occasionally planting a few pecks on her face here and there, making her laugh and cheer as you swung her around, giving you a few pecks in return.

In a burst of happiness and energy, you started to spin and dance with spinel, occasionally planting a few pecks on her face here and there, making her laugh and cheer as you swung her around, giving you a few pecks in return

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You were both so caught up in your blissful dance, that you both failed to notice the glow of your gemstones growing brighter and brighter, and your twirling getting faster and faster...

All until it engulfed your bodies, their shapes barely becoming coherent as they merged together, your echoing laughter warping slightly, becoming an entirely different tone and pitch as the blob of light suddenly began to take shape.

The nearby pearls gasped as a new figure erupted from the fading light, still twirling and laughing all the while...

"Oh my..."

You knew this was gonna happen eventually. >3>

♡Goofy together♡ spinel x spinel readerWhere stories live. Discover now