A dark turn Shadow magic

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Narrator: When Thomas fell through one of the eight portals he found out he was back at ffarquhar. He just recovered from his fall when he saw Diesel 10, Diesel 100 and Strea coming up to him.

Diesel 10: Well Well Well. If it isn't my favorite puffball in the flesh.

Strea: How was your relationship with Lady? I hear she just dies for you.

Diesel 100: I hope you like being back at Ffarquhar, because it will be the last place you will ever be in.

Thomas: Uh oh. I might be in some big trouble. Where are you steam team?

Narrator: The steam team was looking for Thomas. Percy, Toby, James and Emily were looking around at Vicarstown when they heard Gordon Henry and Edward coming.

Emily: It's Gordon, Edward and Henry.

James: We should tell let them know where we are.

Narrator: Then the team blew their whistles and the three railway drivers heard the whistles. And they went to where the other four friends were waiting for them.

Gordon: Hey guys where have you been?

Percy: You won't believe what happened to us.

Toby: But let us guess.

James: You ended up in a familiar place,...

Toby: Saw your greatest enemy,...

Henry: Got the wrong powers,...

Edward: Got cast into the darkllusion world,...

Percy: Saw your suppossedly stronger dark self,...

Emily: Got turned into a corner but heard a voice from your own past,...

Gordon: And earned the rainbow magic, defeated your dark self and weakened your particular enemy.

The team: Yes! How did you know?

Toby: Well now that that's been settled, why don't we go find Thomas?

Emily: I second that matter.

James: But there are so many places he could be anywhere.

Percy: Try your whistles maybe we can communicate with Thomas.

Edward: Yes let's try that.

Narrator: Then the steam team called Thomas. Thomas was busy fighting the three villains when his whistle rang.

Thomas: What is it now? Oh the team is giving me a call. I better get out of here so they can't find me for now.

Narrator: Then Thomas sent a smoke screen and flipped into a shed unoticed by the villains.

Strea: Where did that cheeky demon go?

Diesel 100: He is here somewhere and we will find him. Even if we have to reduce the island to rubble.

Narrator: Thomas answered the call and saw the team through the gold dust.

Percy: Thomas.

Thomas: Percy? Guys? Now wasn't the best time to call.

James: So how are you doing?

Thomas: Under attack by those three villains thanks for asking.

Toby: Where are you? We are coming over to help you.

Thomas: I am at Ffarquhar now. Come quickly. I don't know how much longer I can hold those three.

Diesel 10: Maybe you do now. (Fired a red blast through his claw)

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