The trouble gets worse. Battling the mean team and friends turned villain.

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Narrator: The steam team were facing at the mean team and diesel 10 when Gordon felt something in his body.

Gordon: Whoa I feel supercharged!

Steam team: Me Too!

Henry: Thomas' new magic of light must have supercharged the rainbow dust. Now I feel like I can use whatever power I wish.

Emily: Same here. Our friendship with each other must have been the keys all along.

Tyrone: Uh Hello! Can you stop with all of the Blah Blah Blah already? Let's just battle.

Diesel 10: You eight take care of the puffballs I still have to get something ready with Strea.

Percy: Hey I thought we knocked that prissy princess out.

Strea: As usual Little Sweetie Percy Avonside, You thought WRONG!

Thomas: I guess we have to take on our dark sides one last time before we take on Diesel 10. Let's go steam team.

Steam Team: Steam Team to the rescue!

Narrator: The steam team battled their dark sides again but this time something was different.

Gordon: Hey wait a minute. These guys are copying our powers.

Preston: And improved on them.

Narrator: Gordon tried to outmatch Preston's strength but it became too much for him.

Preston: Have a nice trip.

Narrator: Then Gordon was sent flying but Edward caught him with his psychic powers but Frank just used the mind powers to give Edward a headache.

Edward: AY CARAMBA! That was good when it was me who was doing the headaches.

Frank: Pft everyone's a critic.

Henry: Why do bad guys always say that?

Robert: Because we are better than you goody goodies. Duh.

Narrator: And Robert transformed into a bull and charged at Henry. The impact sent Henry who was a pangolin flying and slammed into the wall. James was still trying to get a grip on Tyrone. He saw Emily was near and touched her shoulder and gained her illusion power.

James: Hey Tyrone. How about something that will totally drive you bananas?

Narrator: And James sent the illusion mist to Tyrone but Tyrone touched Thomas and copied his wind power to blow the dust back at James.

Tyrone: Right back at ya good buddy.

Narrator: Then James saw that he was near a waste dump.

Tyrone: What's wrong? Do you not like the smell, or just upset over the fact that Emily will dump you.

James: Shut up.

Narrator: Then James copied Toby's spike powers and fired the spikes at the grinning villain.

Tyrone: Do you honestly think that will work on me twice?

Narrator: And Tyrone transformed into a pangolin and rolled away from the spikes and crashed into James who crashed into Emily.

Jennifer: Nice of you to drop in. James.

Emily: Now it's two against one Jennifer so give up.

Tyrone: Is it?

Narrator: Jennifer and Tyrone then used their vampire powers to push James and Emily away. Thomas, Percy and Toby had their own problems.

Toby: Let's rock and roll.

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