A giant problem Percy's rainbow magic

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When Strea sent portals to separate the eight heroes, Percy went through the portal that led him to a familiar place.

Percy: Hey wait a minute. This was the Barrow workshop where Sir Topham Hatt recruited me. Ha BIG mistake Zach. I know this workshop like the back of my hand so why don't you surrender?

Zach: Surrender? Pft where's the fun in that? We only just started to play you and I. And Strea wants you as her playtoy too.

Percy: Forget it Zach. I am not Strea's boytoy. I am not even in love with her. Now are we going to do this or what?

Zach: Let's brawl.

Narrator: The two enemies started throwing punches at each other and Zach thinks this was getting tiring.

Zach: It looks like we are evenly matched Pipsqueak Percy.

Percy: Evenly matched do not make me laugh.

Zach: Oh I will have plenty of laughs. Hey I know why not play hide and go seek?

Percy: You are joking right? I can do this with my hands tied behind my back.

Zach: Good luck with that Teeny little Percy.

Percy: We will see who the teeny one is in a minute. You mister are in for BIG trouble when I am through with you. RHINO sized trouble that is.

Narrator: Percy blows his whistle and hoped he would grow to rhino sized like he wanted but instead he shrunk to the size of a cat.

Percy: Cat sized!? That doesn't even sound rhino sized. Your majesties if you can hear me I got a ask if this is some sort of joke because I'm not laughing.

Zach: Hahahahahaha I don't know about Rhino sized trouble but it seems you are in a small and purrfect predicament. You know what forget hide and go seek let's play cat and mouse instead you puny pipsqueak.

Narrator: At the magic railroad Lord and Panloco did hear what Percy said and looked through their magic mirror And they were confused on what happened.

Lord: That's odd. That never happened before. Did we give the steam team a bad batch of gold dust my dear.

Panloco: No sweetie. If it was a bad batch they would be sick to their stomachs. But when we trained with Percy he grew to elephant sized when he wanted to. So what could have happened?

Proteus: I don't know but if Percy doesn't find a way to put his small size to good use he is in for big trouble. Literally.

Lady: This is no time for corny quips big bro. Percy could be in terrible trouble

Narrator: Still at the workshop, Percy had to use his small size to maneuver away from Zach's black blasts.

Percy: Ha I may be small but I am more agile. Blasting me won't be an easy task.

Zach: Grrrr. You're right. I will just have to level the playing field. In my friend's new world of darkllusions.

Narrator: Then Zach blew a grey mist from his blaster. And it was surrounding Percy.

Percy: Uh oh world of delusions? Come on gold dust don't fail me now I need to be grizzly bear sized if I want to tangle with Zach.

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