Failure can equal success Edward's rainbow magic

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Edward went through one of the eight portals that separated the steam team, he ended up in Brendam docks the place that is along his branch line.

Edward: It doesn't take a genius to know that those vile villains made a big mistake.

Narrator: Unbeknownst to Edward, Hunter was in the shadows ready to attack Edward but Edward sent a mind wave to give the crimson killer a headache.

Hunter: Ow my head.

Edward: If it isn't the red buffoon. Why are you after me? If my now enhanced intellect serves you were after Thomas. So why are you setting your sights on me?

Hunter: If you must know, YOU destroyed my opportunity to be number 2 after my clumsy brother got to be number 1 instead of me.

Edward: Well it wasn't my fault. Aren't you the one who tried to kill your brother while he was asleep after I became the number 2? Hmmm.

Hunter: Uh well I grrrr gah IT DOESN'T MATTER NOW! The point here is that you have destroyed every opportunity I had you two faced old timer.

Edward: Oh look who's talking.

Hunter: Oh ENOUGH!

Narrator: Hunter slashed his dagger but Edward just flipped away from the attack and saw that he was near one of Salty's pirate cannons.

Edward: Ah excellent. I'll use this cannon to my advantage and this will be a blast.

Narrator: Edward blew his whistle and he hacked into the cannon. He fired a few blasts but hunter dodged the blasts. Edward was about fire another cannonball but he soon lost control and turned to his telepathic power.

Edward: Oh come on. That was unexpected. Well I can still fire a few mind blasts.

Narrator: Hunter got hit by one of Edward's mind blasts. And Hunter decided that he had enough.

Hunter: Alright that does it. NO MORE MIND GAMES. It's time for me to get serious. Perhaps it's time for the darkllusion world.

Narrator: Hunter puffed out a mist from his dagger the same one Zach used on Percy. Edward got covered in the mist and when he opened his eyes he could see that he was in Tidmouth High the school where he met his friends and before he got the job of running the northwestern railway. Edward looked around the place and saw what he was holding a test paper and he got a B+ on it. He was shocked and saw bullies from his past.

Bully 1: Look it's the nerd who got a B.

Bully 2: Maybe he isn't smart after all.

Bully 3: Let's call him dummy Eddie.

Edward: Hey I thought you were to never to call me by that name again.

Narrator: Edward was very furious at the name. He blew on his whistle to give the bullies mind blasts but he got his hacking power.

Edward: Seriously? Stupid whistle. Hey at least I can turn one of these freezers into an ice blaster to cool down those bullies. Permanently.

Narrator: Edward blasted a freezing blast from the freezer but it went right through the bullies and the bullies disappeared.

Edward: What on sodor? What just happened?

Mysterious figure: It's quite simple you dunderheaded dingbat. The blast went right through them because they are illusions.

Edward: Then I am guessing you are an illusion too.

Mysterious figure: I didn't say I was or should I say you were. (cackles)

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