The cruel twist and separation.

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Narrator: When the steam team went back to henry's forest they went to their engines and made a plan on finding out where the villains might be.

Henry: Maybe we should go back to the mansion. After all that is where we last saw them.

James: Good point except for one thing the mansion got destroyed.

Edward: Maybe the ffarquar branch line. That is where Thomas works and most of the villains are trying to get revenge on him.

Emily: I don't know Edward that would be too obvious for the villains.

Gordon: Well we can't just debate on locations. The whole island is hypnotized.

Toby: Wait where did you fell the shockwave was coming from.

Percy: I don't know but I'm just spitballing here it may have come from london.

Henry: London? But that's where Nia and Rebecca were going.

Gordon: Yeah that is exactly where they were going.

James: Then that's exactly where we are going.

Percy: Wait what if it could be a trap.

Thomas: Then it's a chance we will have to risk. Let's just be careful team. I don't know how much of the gold dust the royal family gave us so we should use it sparingly and be careful on how we use it.

Edward: You are right Thomas. I don't need my brain power to agree with you.

Toby: Then it is settled. We are going to london straight away.

Narrator: Little did the steam team know, The villains were setting up a trap for the team but they are arguing on who gets to fight each member of the steam team.

Sandra: I get dibs on James.

Hunter: No he is my color. I call dibs on James.

Diesel 100: Technically you are more crimson than red and anyway you don't even have a grudge on him.

Alfred: The three railway drivers are all mine.

Diesel 100: Hey wait a minute. How come you get three? That's not fair.

Narrator: The villains were arguing so much it almost came to an all out brawl to battle the team until Diesel 10 fired a bolt of red lightning from his red claw. The villains just stared at Diesel 10.

Diesel 10: SILENCE! You all are acting like a bunch of children. I understand you want revenge but do you think going solo is the best course of action? I already want to take on Thomas and Zach wants to get revenge on Percy and Lucy has already got dibs on Toby. I also appointed my father and Strea on being the protector of the hypno waver. So the rest of you better WORK IT OUT BEFORE I GET A HEADACHE.

Alfred: I still have a score to settle with that wretched Gordon so he is mine. And that mongrol henry too.

Hunter: I'll get Edward. He took my other oppertunity to be in the spotlight as number two and he also prevented the death of Thomas. So now I will show that old timer that no one messes with the hunter.

Sandra: I'll take on James and Emily. It was those two who kept Thomas from being hypnotized. I'll show them that no one takes my son away from me.

Diesel 10: Then it is settled. Although the steam team are not ones to be taken lightly. Alfred and Sandra I have given you some help.

Narrator: Then out of the shadows came a girl in her teens with a pink shirt brown pants was walking with a man in blue and it was someone Alfred knew very well.

Alfred: Ah Crovan my friend how are you doing?

Crovan: Shut Up Alfred I am not your friend anymore.

Sophia: Ah ah ah, Don't be like that.

Sophia swirled her eyes and hypnotized Crovan.

Sandra: Ah my baby girl sure has taken over from her mother.

Diesel 10: Alright can we get on with the happy reunion later. The steam team is going to be here any second.

Narrator: The steam team enter the hideout and face the villains.

Diesel 10: Ah Thomas. I'm so glad you and the team could join us.

Percy: Drop the act D10. Where are Nia and Rebecca?

Strea: Sweet Percy. We have no idea what you are talking about.

Gordon: Don't play the fool with us. You know what we are talking about.

Sandra: Oh those two. Well we won't tell you.

James: What's your game you lot?

Zach: Diesel 10 thought that if we separate you guys then it would be easier to take you on while strea and Diesel 100 protect the enhancer and the hypno machine. When that is done the royal family is next and we will finally have some quiet to rule all of sodor in..

Narrator: Lucy put her hand over Zach's mouth so he won't tell the team anymore details.

Lucy: Shut Up Zach. Do you really want the steam team to know our entire plan?

Emily: Too late. We were able to piece the info and know our magic we will defeat you.

Diesel 100: Oh we will see about that. Alfred blow them up.

Narrator: Alfred got a bomb and threw it to the team but Toby used his magic to protect the team and Thomas used his power to make streams of water to put out the fire.

Strea: Oh so my family gave you all magic did they?

James: That's right didn't you hear Emily we will use it together to kick your butts.

Sandra: Not this time. I believe that it's time to thin the herd.

Narrator: Strea then used her own magic to make eight different portals which sent the steam team in different directions.

Steam team: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thomas: Guys if you can hear me remember don't let fear take control. We don't give up we team up and if you can't hear me then just remember what we went through together.

Narrator: At the Magic railroad, the royal family looked through the gold dust as a mirror and see the separation of the steam team.

Lady: No No we should do something guys. The steam team need us.

Lord: I'm sorry my daughter but it was Thomas' decision for us to stay and watch.

Panloco: But we know the steam team might be facing things they wish they hadn't seen for a long time.

Proteus: We will just have to see if they will be ok.

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