You dream for a wish for granted magic

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Narrator: That night in Henry's forest Thomas was having a nightmare where he saw the villains rampage through Knapford attacking his friends and family. He was sad and in major distress.

Thomas: Stop please. STOP IT!!

Narrator: Thomas felt like he might die and was crying. When he suddenly saw that he was in the magic railroad and he heard a sweet and comforting voice.

Mysterious Voice: Shhhhhhhh don't cry little child.

Narrator: Then Thomas turned to see none other than Lady's mother Panloco. Panloco gave Thomas a comforting warm hug.

Thomas: Panloco. Boy am I glad to see you. It felt like a prophetic future. I just hope I didn't bring harm to you in the future. I am really scared.

Panloco: I understand. But the nightmare is over. You have nothing left to fear.

Narrator: As panloco left. Thomas and the rest of the steam team woke up. They were putting down their tents. Thomas told the others about what he saw in his dream.

Emily: That must have been very awful.

Henry: I'll say.

James: What I am more concerned about is how we can defeat the villains. I mean one or two at a time and we can take them on easy peasy lemon squeezy. But one look at those creeps together and I was all see ya wouldn't wanna be ya.

Gordon: I know and we are short two members. Nia and Rebecca could be captured. What are we going to do Thomas?

Thomas: I don't know. I just wish we had some help right about know.

Mysterious voice from the lamp: Your wish is my command.

Edward: Huh. Who said that?

Toby: What's happening?

Percy: Look gold dust is coming out of the lamp. What does that mean?

Narrator: The steam team was going to get an answer soon. Gold dust came out of the lamp and it swirled around the steam team. The team then teleported to the magic railroad and a figure stepped out of the lamp.

The steam team: PROTEUS?!

Proteus: Greetings steam team. It's been too long when did we last meet?

Percy: Um. When we helped you, Lord, Lady and Panloco defeat Strea. Or was that a rhetorical question?

Proteus: It was rhetorical but I'll let it slide just this once. So what has been eating ya.

James: What's been eating us The villains have teamed up and took over the whole island including Strea. How did you teleport us to the magic railroad anyway?

Proteus: Thomas wished for a bit of help and I granted it.

Thomas: Honestly Proteus, this wasn't what I had in mind.

Proteus: You saw what those guys did to you with their upgraded tech right? Well I say two can play that game.

Emily: What do you mean?

Proteus: Come I'll show you.

Narrator: The steam team follow Proteus and they got to a beautiful looking castle.

Proteus: Welcome to my humble abode. Make yourself comfy I'll call my mom and dad over. MOM DAD BABY SIS! I BROUGHT COMPANY.


Narrator: Then to the steam team's surprise there stepped Lord, Panloco and Lady. Lady was so surprised and happy to see Thomas again that she pulled him in for a hug and thomas returned the gesture. much to the amusement of the royal family and the steam team.

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