The final battle the steam team vs diesel 10

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Narrator: The steam team got to their engines and got to tidmouth. When they got there, they saw Diesel 10. Nia and Rebecca slipped when nobody was looking to the enhancer trying to disable it.

Thomas: Alright Diesel 10. This is the end of the line for you. We freed Nia and Rebecca. Your buddy Strea lost. We destroyed the mean team. We defeated your other buddies. You have lost. So give up the machine and maybe we will go easy on you.

Diesel 10: Oh is that true puffball? Do you really think I had my friends destroy you? They were pawns for my bigger plan.

Percy: And what would that be?

Diesel 10: You will see soon enough green caterpillar. You see I chose tidmouth because it will be the exact place I will destroy you.

Gordon: Destroy us how? Without Strea you don't have enough magic to even bruise us thanks to Thomas.

Diesel 10: We will just see about that. I still have one more trick up my sleeve. BEHOLD!

Narrator: Diesel 10 shows them the enhancer and Edward notices something.

Edward: Wait the energy emitting from the enhancer, it's the same as our magic.

Henry: But how can that be?

Diesel 10: Ha ha ha ha ha ha. You fools. Do you think just by destroying the mean team you grown stronger?

James: Duh. Our rainbow magic helped us destroy the mean team. What does that have to do with the enhancer getting stronger?

Diesel 10: Well when you each defeated your darksides, the energy from the darkllusion world went with them. They had to go somewhere.

Toby: Wait the energy from the darkllusion world? That means...

Diesel 10: ...the enhancer absorbed the mean team making the enhancer stronger by the second.

Emily: So does that mean you have used us as some sort of backup batteries for your batteries?

Diesel 10: An oversimplification. But essentially yes you are correct. Yes I have used you as batteries. My friends, the mean team and you.

Thomas: Daniel! This is going too far. This is just the sort of thing that got you fired from your job. Please maybe there is still a way to end this peacefully. You have to stop this you might not be able to control that much magic!

Diesel 10: Don't tell me what I should or shouldn't do Thomas. Oh and I was never fired from working on sodor. I QUIT!

Narrator: Then Diesel 10 pushes a button on the enhancer and some sort of magic poured out of the enhancer and on to diesel 10. Then Diesel 10 appeared as a totally different person. He had black clothing, crimson blood red eyes, sharp zombie-like teeth, and his claw looked more enhanced. Pinchy was bigger and was has more hidden weapons than ever before. The steam team were shocked at the sight and so was the royal family. Even Strea couldn't believe her eyes.

Strea: All this time I have just been used?

Lady: That doesn't look like Diesel 10 anymore. I can't believe it!

Proteus: And I thought he was ugly before. This is on a whole other level!

Panloco: We should go and help the steam team.

Lord: No! We can't he might suck up our magic too. Let's just hope the steam and Thomas know what they are doing.

Narrator: At tidmouth, the team were still horrified by what they saw.

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