Chapter 11 - Promise

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A/N- timeskip!!!

Akaashi visited Bokuto's house this time. It was a pretty "average" house, the same as what he saw when he quote on quote, visited, it the first time. It wasn't as big as it looked from the outside. It was very cozy and full of plants. Both Bokuto and Akaashi were sitting in Kotaro's room, just talking about stuff.

"Hey, Bokuto?" Akaashi said, his voice turning into a whisper.

Bokuto turned his head around to look at a sad-looking Akaashi. "What's up, 'Kaashi?"

Akaashi's face flushed red at the use of the nickname. ".. how did you know that Eita kidnapped me?"

"Oh uh.. I guess I saw him carrying you out of the bathroom." Bokuto placed his hand on the back of his head.

Akaashi just nodded and stuck his head back into his book, scanning all of the pictures. Bokuto just kept staring at Akaashi, wondering what was wrong with him. "You seem off, Akaashi. Is something on your mind?" Bokuto questioned with a worried tone.

Akaashi sighed. "I'm okay." He whispered.

"You clearly don't seem like it. What's wrong?" Bokuto hopped off his chair and sat down next to Akaashi, who was reading a manga.

Akaashi tried to figure out a way to say how he was feeling. "Do you ever get tired of me, Bokuto?" He grunted. "I really don't understand what's so good about me."

Bokuto tilted his head to the left slightly in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I'm just a really stubborn and quiet person. I don't know why you like hanging out with me so much. I'm just not a fun person to be with. I don't deserve you.." Akaashi dug his head deeper into his book, on the verge of tears. "You said you liked me back because of pity.. right?" His voice was cracking, making Bokuto's heart sink.

"Why would you think that? You know I would never say that just because of pity. I genuinely love you, Akaashi." Bokuto scooted closer to the black-haired boy.

"I don't know what I did to deserve you." Akaashi said, sobbing into his book and his voice shaking. "Y-you're just so perfect.. a-and pretty.."

Bokuto was sad. He felt like he should be the ones saying that to Akaashi, not Akaashi saying it to him. "Keiji."

Akaashi jumped when Bokuto said his first name. ".. yes?"

"Look at me."

"... no."

Bokuto grabbed Akaashi's face gently, forcing it to face his. Oh my god, he's so fucking cute. Bokuto thought. Akaashi's eyes were slightly red, and his cheeks had some tear stains. "Akaashi. Listen to me. You are the most beautiful person I've ever laid my eyes on. You are perfect. I wouldn't be the way I am right now if we didn't meet. Actually," Bokuto let out a small chuckle. "I should be the one saying those words to you. I don't deserve you, Akaashi. The moment we called, I thought that you would hate me. You are the most perfect, pretty, amazing boy I've ever seen in my life. I could never love anyone more than you. My heart is in you, and if you leave I'll be extremely sad.. so sad that I'll never be able to get over you and cry on my bed every day. So please, don't say things like that. You deserve the world, my pretty 'Kaashi." Bokuto pulled Akaashi into a tight hug and kissed him on the cheek. "Stay with me forever, promise?"

Akaashi just nodded and rested his head on Bokuto's shoulder, closing his eyes. "Promise."

Bokuto looked up at the clock on his wall. "11:26PM". Oh god. How long were we here for? Bokuto sighed and laughed at the same time. "Akaashi?"

Keiji looked up at a smiling Bokuto. "Yes?"

"It's pretty late. Do you want to stay over?" Bokuto asked.

"Sure I guess." Akaashi buried his head back into Bokuto's neck.

Bokuto chuckled at how cute and clingy Akaashi was being right now. "Alright. You can go to bed first, I'll get snacks if you want any." He tried to get up, but Akaashi wouldn't let go. Oh, so this is how he actually is, huh. "Can you please let go?"

Akaashi whined. "Mmm.. stay with me." He hugged Bokuto tighter.

Bokuto wanted to squish Akaashi because of how cute he was being. He couldn't help but have the biggest smile on his face. "Okayy." Bokuto sat back down on the bed. "Lay down."

Akaashi let go of Bokuto and laid down on the bed, still looking at the third-year. Bokuto grinned at Akaashi and bent down to give him a small kiss before laying down next to him. Bokuto snuggled Akaashi into his chest and wrapped his arms around him. They both smiled, falling asleep in each other's arms.



A/N- hope you enjoyed! i added some fluff :)

~author-chan :D

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