Chapter 13 - Rumors

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!TRIGGER WARNING! there are mentions of panic attacks in this chapter, so if you are sensitive to that topic please don't read this!

"Maeda is a first year, huh.." Akaashi muttered. Sighing, he poked the rice in his bento. Motherfucker really be making me loose my appetite, jeez. Akaashi put the cap back on the container, not hungry anymore. "I should check to see how Bokuto-san is doing.. what class is he in again?" He rested his cheek on his palm while thinking of places where his older "best friend" would be doing. Akaashi thought that he should just keep calling Bokuto his best friend for now, since they haven't actually made it official yet.

Am I even allowed to go into the third years classrooms? He grunted while getting off the concrete. "Tch, my ass hurts now. Thanks a lot." That sounded wrong. Akaashi lightly chuckled to himself and walked back inside school.

Akaashi was slightly jogging in the halls, taking a glance at the inside of each of the classrooms, looking for Bokuto. He was still jogging, until he heard voices in the distance.

"Yo, did you hear that Akaashi kid fucking BEAT UP Eita? Like, Eita has bruises and shit."

"What, really? Who told you? Eita?"

"Yeah, that second year really has a nerve. I can't believe him."

Akaashi immediately stopped in his tracks. I did WHAT? 

"I know right! Beating up one of his upperclassmen? Wow."

Upperclassmen? Is that Maeda? Huh.. wasn't he going to class 1-B? Isn't that in the first years hall? He felt his vision blurring and everything around him fading. Shit shit shit. Not now. Like.. any time but now.. Akaashi's breath was shortening and he started having trouble breathing. Fuck. Shit. Shit. Fuck. Is there a bathroom around here? He desperately looked around for a bathroom, trying his best to keep his breath steady. Fortunately, there was one not too far away. Thank GOD. He quietly ran over to the men's bathroom and locked himself in a stall. He basically slammed the door, which obviously isn't quiet. But at that time, he would definately rather slam a bathroom stall door than have a panic attack infront of two strangers that were talking about it.

He slouched against the wall and held his chest, breathing rapidly. He could feel tears flowing down his face. "F-fuck m-y life.." Akaashi clutched onto his shirt and bit his lip. He could feel his heart beating at a fast pace. He buried his face into his knees, trying his hardest to calm down. Just calm down. Breathe. As he was attempting to catch his breath, he heard small knocks on the door.

"Uh... can I come in?" The voice was unfamiliar to Akaashi, but it was very comforting and soft.

He hesitantly said 'yes' and the door slowly opened. Oh, I didn't lock the door. He slightly looked up to see a blonde and black haired boy that seemed shorter than him. He's pretty.

"Um.. are you feeling alright?" The boy said with a soft tone.

"I'm perfectly o-okay. No worries." Akaashi dug his face into his knees, his hand still hooked onto his shirt and his eyes squeezed shut.

The other boy could hear Akaashi breathing rapidly. Sure.. "You know, you don't have to lie. You clearly aren't okay." He kneeled down to Akaashi.

"Uh- erm.. w-who are you anyways? Do I know y-you?" This guy being here didn't help with Akaashi's panic attack at all. If anything, it made it worse.

"Oh uh, sorry. I'm Kenma Kozume. Just call me Kenma." Kenma used to be in Nekoma, but transferred to Fukurodani for some reason. "Now, breathe with me. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale." This went on for about a minute or two, and it made Akaashi feel better.

"Thanks.. I'm Akaashi Keiji, by the way." Akaashi sighed, pulling out his phone to check the time.

Kenma nodded. "Also, aren't you a second year? Why are you in the third years bathroom?"

Akaashi looked up at Kenma. "Huh? How'd you know that I'm a second year?"

"You didn't hear? There's a rumor going around the school that you beat up this Eita kid." 

Akaashi gulped. He could feel his heart pacing up again. I swear. "U-uh.. no.." "I definately didn't have that panic attack just because of that.." He muttered the last sentence under his breath, not wanting to make it audible enough for Kenma to hear. Unfortunately for Akaashi, Kenma was able to hear.

"Huh, okay. Well, it's all good I guess. I'm a second year too." Kenma slightly smiled at Akaashi.

"Oh, why are you in here then?" He looked up at the boy.

"I asked you first."

"Jeez, okay. I was here because I was looking for my friend, Bokuto-san." Akaashi tried rubbing off his tears on his shirt.

"Oh, I know him. He's friends with Kuro." Kenma leaned against the wall next to Akaashi.

"Kuro?" He looked up at the blonde and black haired boy with a confused look.

"You don't know him?"

Akaashi nodded.

"Oh, he's good friends with Bokuto. They are apparently "best bros"." Kenma cringed at the statement. "I'm surprised that Bokuto hasn't told you about Kuro yet." 

"Huh. Bokuto-san did mention being "best bros" with someone." Akaashi rested his cheek on his palm.

He's pretty. Kenma thought, trying to hold back a smile. "We should go, next class is starting soon." Kenma lent out his hand to Akaashi.

He hesitantly took Kenma's hand and got up. "Thanks." Akaashi smiled at Kenma, the smaller boy couldn't help but smile back.

"Jeez, why is everyone I meet so tall. Well, besides Shoyo." Kenma pouted jokingly.

Akaashi chuckled. "I don't know. Bad luck?"

Kenma looked back ahead of him and pulled out his PSP. Keiji looked down at Kenma, who was playing Mario Kart.

"You probably shouldn't be playing on a PSP during school, you know."

"And why should I care?"

"Good point."



A/N - hope you people enjoyed this chapter :D i'll probs do a backstory on akaashi at some point :) i can see kenma being friends with akaashi, sooo..

~author-chan (o'▽'o)

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