Chapter 8 - Twisted

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!TRIGGER WARNING! there are mentions of drugs and kidnapping in this chapter, if you are sensitive to those topics please don't read this!

Akaashi and Bokuto spent the rest of their day hanging out together, besides during classes they didn't share. Now, it was 3:00 and the dismissal bell rang. Everyone ran out of their classrooms, excited for the day to be over. Both Akaashi and Bokuto stepped out of their last period, science, talking to each other. The two boys were at their lockers, just doing their normal thing.

Eita, the boy who kissed Bokuto, stepped out of math class right across the hall from Keiji and Kotaro. Kotaro will be mine~.. Kotaro will be mine~.. He sang in his head. "Oh! What perfect timing.. there they are." He muttered, his voice inaudible from all of the commotion happening in the hallways. "I'll do anything for you, Kotaro-san. Anything to get you away from that.. bitch."

Bokuto grabbed Akaashi's arm, dragging him out of the school while slithering through the crowded areas. "Agaashi, do you want to get ramen together?" Bokuto asked excitedly with sparkles in his eyes.

The sight of seeing Bokuto so happy made Akaashi smile. "Sure." He replied simply.

"Yay!" Bokuto jumped up. "Let's go now then!" Bokuto pulled Akaashi, him having trouble keeping up with Bokuto.

"You don't have to pull me so hard!" Akaashi practically yelled, he felt like his arm was just about to fall off at any second.

"Sorry, sorry! I was just excited!" Bokuto let go his firm grasp on Akaashi's arm, then grabbed his hand. "Is this better?"

Bokuto has always been so kind, Akaashi felt like he had to repay him somehow. "Yes, much better. Thank you, Bokuto-san."

Bokuto just replied with a smile, while walking over to the nearby ramen store.

"By the way, I'll pay." Akaashi said, in hopes to return the favor of how nice Bokuto is.

"Are you sure, Agaashi? I have money on me." Bokuto insisted, feeling bad for letting Akaashi pay.

"Well, I have money on me too so I'm going to pay~" Akaashi pulled the small, black leather wallet that was sitting in his pocket, showing it to Bokuto.

"Fine, you win this one. But I'll be paying next!" Bokuto put his hands on his hips and stuck his tounge out at Akaashi.

"Whatever!" Akaashi rolled his eyes jokingly, putting the wallet back in his pocket.

As Bokuto and Akaashi were joking around, there seemed to be someone following them. But, the two boys didn't notice.

"I have to go to the restroom. One second, Bokuto-san." Akaashi set his stuff on the bench where they were both sitting on, and started walking over to the bathrooms.

"Okay, I'll wait for you here." Bokuto said while guarding Akaashi's things.

A "thank you" was heard from the distance. Akaashi smiled and waved.

Pfft, this is the perfect chance. I should go now.. Eita's hand covered his mouth to prevent giggles. Kotaro is mine.. only mine.. don't steal him from me, you little bitch~. Once Eita saw that the coast was clear, he quickly snuck after Akaashi, following him to the bathrooms. While getting his handkerchief ready, he slowly opened the door in to the boys bathroom. Akaashi was in there, washing his face.

"Mine.. mine.." Eita said quietly, catching Akaashi's attention.

"Huh?" Akaashi turned around to see a boy with long-ish wavy black hair that had a little bang in the middle, and lifeless looking green eyes. Oh, that's the guy who forced Bokuto to kiss him I'm pretty sure. Why the hell is he here?

"You- you stole him from me.." He muttered, while holding the handkerchief in his hand.

"Um.. excuse me?" Akaashi was beyond confused. Does this guy need something or... Akaashi slowly backed away from the insane looking man.

"You stole Kotaro from me.. he was supposed to be mine," The boy said, with tears flowing down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry..?" Akaashi just stood there, extremely befuddled on what's happening.

"You brat..." Eita clenched his fists and scowled, staring straight at Keiji.

Akaashi didn't say a word, he just stared back.

"YOU'LL PAY!" He dashed right towards Akaashi with his cloth in hand, aimed right at Keiji's face.

In the matter of a second, the handkerchief was placed against Akaashi's face, and Eita keeping it in place so that he wouldn't pull it off. After a few seconds, Akaashi started coughing, then slowly passing out, feeling his eyes shut.

For context, the handkerchief that was used to make Akaashi pass out had a drug in it, that could make someone pass out from 1-5 hours. The time someone passed out depended on their blood type. For someone with blood type A,  they pass out for 1-2 hours. For someone with blood type B, they pass out for 2-3 hours. For someone with blood type AB, they pass out for 3-4 hours. Lastly, for someone with blood type O, they pass out for 4-5 hours. There wasn't any scientific explanation for it, but people just go along with it. It isn't necessarily dangerous, it can just be used in bad ways- for example, how it's being used on Akaashi.

Eita couldn't help but giggle once he saw Akaashi pass out. This is payback. "Kotaro is mine.. he belongs to me.." Eita slapped his hand over his mouth in attempt to stop his laughing. Time to just bring you home~. I better watch my time..

- A/N- timeskip!

It has been about an hour,  Akaashi woke up inside of an unfamilar environment.

He was fully stripped, locked inside of a basement and tied to a chair.



A/N- hehe. :)

~author-chan ('ー')

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