Chapter 5 - Questioning

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!TRIGGER WARNING! there are mentions of self harm in this chapter, if you are sensitive to that topic please don't read this!

Bokuto and Akaashi were just hanging around in Keiji's room, talking like usual. It was pretty casual, they just talked about school and stuff. Until, Bokuto brought up a question.

"Do you know what your sexuality is, Akaashi?" Bokuto knew that he was either gay, or bi. Since he did have a crush on Akaashi, after all.

Once Bokuto asked the question, he had a curious look on his face. They've known each other for about a month-ish now, it probably wasn't the right time to ask the question. But, since Akaashi trusted Kotaro a lot, and he was his only friend, he just decided to answer with "I don't know, I guess I'm straight? But I don't really care about labels." It was true, Akaashi didn't care about who he liked or what other genders people liked, he could give less of a shit about labels. It didn't matter to him if anybody was gay, lesbian, transgender, etc. Honestly, he kind of had a feeling he was gay, bi, or pan since he actually hasn't really ever had a crush on a girl before. "What about you, Bokuto-san?"

Bokuto gulped. He knew that Akaashi was going to ask the question back, but he still hesitated. "I- uh.. I dunno." 

Akaashi could notice that Bokuto didn't really want to talk about it, so he quickly changed the subject. "What do you want for dinner?"

"Oh um.. not really sure. Udon or ramen?" Bokuto was scared that Akaashi was homophobic, even though he LITERALLY listens to Mother Mother, Girl in Red, etc. and he said that he doesn't care about labels.

"Yeah sure, I'll make some for us. You can stay here, but please don't touch anything in my room or look around." Akaashi said the last sentence with a serious tone, making Bokuto shudder a little. He's never heard Akaashi in such a grim voice.

"Okay, I won't. Thanks!" He responded, trying to keep a happy input.

Akaashi just gave a small nod in response, and stepped out of the door, closing it behind him.

Why did he have to say it like that? Jeez.. Bokuto watched as Akaashi walked out. He just stayed in Keiji's bed, using his eyes to scan around the room. Books.. notebooks.. papers.. food wrappers.. clothes.. plushies.. He was observing everything that was in the room while staying on his bed, trying to obey what Akaashi told him to do.

After a while, the door creaked open. Bokuto looked up to see Akaashi standing there.

"Food is ready, you can go to the kitchen. I'll see you out there." Akaashi stepped inside of his room, his eyes slightly moving from left to right examining his room.

"Okay! Thank you Agaashiii!!!" Bokuto excitedly hopped off of Keiji's bed, running out of the room.

Akaashi smiling at the sight of Bokuto being so happy, then turned back around to look around his room. He walked over to his dresser, and opened one of the compartments to see a small pocket knife hiding inside. Phew, he didn't find it. Akaashi slightly lifted up his sleeve to see his many scars that were planted in his skin from that small knife. As all the flashbacks appeared in his mind, he slowly pulled back down the sleeve, closing the droor on his dresser. Akaashi walked back over to the kitchen, where Bokuto was peacefully sitting on one of the little cushions, looking around.

"Hey, Bokuto-san. Thank you for waiting." He walked over to the the kotatsu, sitting across from Bokuto.

"Hi Agaashi! Why did you stay in your room for a bit?" He asked, while looking at Akaashi.

Akaashi's small smile quickly turned into a straight face, while looking down. "It's nothing.."

Bokuto looked at Akaashi questionably. "Are you sure..?"

"Yeah, it really is nothing. Don't worry about me." Akaashi looked back up at a worried Bokuto, while giving him a fake smile.

"Huh, okay. Whatever you say. Also, where is your sister?" Bokuto picked up his chopsticks and started stirring his udon.

"Oh, I'm assuming she's out working. She works at a boba shop." Akaashi rested his head on his head.


An hour has passed, and Bokuto and Akaashi finished their food. Akaashi looked up at this clock. "7:39PM". He realized that Bokuto had stayed over for a while, and it's getting late.

"Bokuto-san." Akaashi looked over at Bokuto, who was laying in his bed with his arms at the back of his neck.

"Hm..?" Bokuto was obviously tired, his voice was raspy and low.

"You should probably go home soon, it's kind of late. Also, you seem tired." Akaashi hopped off of the bed, turning on his table lamp. He has never seen Bokuto this tired before, while still awake.

"Oookay...~" Bokuto closed his eyes, resting his head on Akaashi's pillow.

"I can drive you home, if you want." Akaashi said as he was looking around his room for Bokuto's things.

No response.

"Bokuto-san?" Akaashi looked back over to his bed, where Bokuto was peacefully sleeping, once again. He let out a sigh, going back to looking for Kotaro's bag. He managed to find it sitting on the kitchen counter. He grabbed it then walked back into his room. Bokuto was still sleeping, in the same position.

"How the hell am I supposed to get this guy to his house without waking him up.." Akaashi muttered quietly.



A/N- hope you enjoyed this chapter! i'm sorry if some of the chapters some out badly or a little late, i've just been loosing motivation. i'll be trying my best to upload one chapter or two a day! have a good rest of your day/night. :) i love you all! x

~author-chan (◕ω◕)

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