Chapter 7 - An Unforgettable Lunch

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Akaashi saw Bokuto kissing another boy. Even though Akaashi didn't think that he liked Bokuto, he felt heartbroken. He felt like he was betrayed for some reason. While trying to hold back the tears he didn't know he had, he walked away from the situation trying not to get the third-year to notice him. Finally away from the scene Akaashi just saw, he assumed that Bokuto didn't see him. But in reality,,

Was that Akaashi?  Bokuto leaned away from the forced kiss, looking over in the direction that he thought he saw Akaashi walking in.

"Kotaro." The boy called out.

Bokuto looked over at the man's face, which had a small smirk on it. "What?"

"You're my boyfriend now, right? After all we-" He was cut off by Bokuto smacking him straight in the face.

"I like someone else, dumbass! Get a hold of yourself! You're the one who forced me to kiss you!" Bokuto had left a red hand mark on the other boy's face, making him mad.

"Who do you like, huh?! That black-haired guy you just looked at?" At this point the boy was steamed, like really mad. His crush has been Bokuto since the day they've met, he couldn't help but be jealous once he heard that Kotaro liked someone else.

"Fuck off, Eita. Leave me alone." Bokuto lifted himself off of the bench and followed the path that Akaashi went.

Akaashi, on the other hand, was sitting, leaned, on a tree eating his Wanpaku sandwich and staring at his phone. Didn't know that he had a boyfriend.. oh well. He could hear the screaming from the two boys in the distance, but just decided to ignore it, since he didn't understand anything they said. He kept eating his lunch, and scrolling through his phone until he heard footsteps coming near him.

Akaashi lifted his head up slowly to see his friend, Bokuto, standing there.

"Hey, Bokuto-san." Akaashi said quietly, almost inaudible.

"Hey Agaashi! Why are you here?" Bokuto went closer to Akaashi, sitting down next to him while wrapping his arms around his knees.

Akaashi was left silent for a second, trying to think of what to say. Should I tell him that I saw him kissing someone else? Or should I just lie? "Uhm.. just a new spot I guess." He mumbled while finishing his sandwich.

Bokuto could easily tell that he was lying just by the tone of his voice. Whenever Akaashi doesn't look at him in the eye directly, or when he mumbles really quietly it means that he's either upset, lying, or both. "I know you're lying. What's wrong?" Bokuto poked Akaashi's cheek, which made him smile a bit.

"Well uh.. I guess I saw you and someone else kissing at the bench and I didn't want to disturb you guys.." Akaashi admitted, still keeping his low tone and scrolling on his device. "Congrats."

Bokuto was confused. Why did he say congrats? "Congrats?"

"I'm assuming he's your boyfriend? So I'm just congratulating you two." Akaashi answered, looking straight over at Bokuto.

"Oh, he's not my boyfriend. You see, uh.." Bokuto placed his hand on the back of his neck. "I guess you could say that he kissed me out of my will. Like.. forced?"

Akaashi looked back at his phone, sighing. "Oh, sorry." He said, letting one tear escape from his eye.

Bokuto quickly noticed the small droplet on Akaashi's cheek. "Huh? Are you okay Agaashi?" Bokuto grabbed Akaashi's face, facing it to his. He wiped off the small tear on his face.

Akaashi's heart skipped a beat. "Yeah I'm fine.."

Bokuto moved closer to Akaashi, hand still holding his face, making Keiji's heart pound. "You don't look like you're okay. Tell me what's wrong."

Akaashi knew that he liked Bokuto now, clearly. Since this situation is already happening, he wanted to tell him as soon as possible, but didn't really have the guts to. "I-I umm.." Akaashi looked down at the grass.

"Spit it out. What happened?" Bokuto said, demanding for an answer.

".. I was worried that you already had a boyfriend.." Akaashi murmured with a bright red face.

"Huh? What? Say that again?" Bokuto heard was Akaashi said, but he thought he was just imagining things.

"I was worried that you already had a boyfriend, Bokuto-san." Akaashi said, in a tone that was more audible.

Apparently Bokuto wasn't imagining things. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Akaashi's face turned pink. "I like you, dummy."

Bokuto's face suddenly matched Akaashi's. "Y-you like me?!" He excitedly said.

"Yeah." Akaashi looked away from Bokuto, his face still pink.

Bokuto pulled Akaashi into a hug, a really tight one. It made him tense up a little bit, but then he gave in. "I like you too, Agaashi!"



A/N- i hope you enjoyed this chapter! i love you all so much! :)

~author-chan ^_^

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