Chapter 1 - Phone Number

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Akaashi was sitting in his dark-lit room on his bed, with papers and things scattered everywhere. He was reading his favorite book, which was a manga. Keiji really enjoyed reading, just the peacefulness of it calmed him down. He had white wired earbuds on, which were connected to his phone. Akaashi was listening to his playlist, which consisted songs from Mother Mother, Clairo, The NeighborhoodArctic Monkeys, etc.

While he was jamming out to 505, a song written by the band Arctic Monkeys, a knock was heard on his door. He pulled the earbuds out of his ears, setting his book on the night stand. Akaashi lifted himself off of the bed, and walked over to his bedroom door while trying to avoid trampling on the piles of paper that were sitting on his floor. He finally got to the door without any trouble, and twisted the knob to see his sister, Tasuketa, standing in front of him. 

"Need something?" Akaashi half-sighed and half-spoke.

"Mhm~ I found a friend for you, Keiji!" His sister said excitedly. She was holding her phone in her hand, extending her arm out for Akaashi to see. 

On the phone, there were messages from someone. Akaashi observed the screen for some more time, and saw that the contact was named 'Bokuto'. 

Bokuto?  Akaashi thought. Isn't Bokuto that one guy from science class who always fell asleep?

"Why do you have Bokuto's number?" Akaashi looked back up at his sister, who had a wide grin on her face.

"I looked around your school, asking for them to be your friend." Tasuketa pulled her phone back to her chest, smiling proudly. Although, Akaashi on the other hand, didn't seem pleased at all.

"Really? I don't need any friends, Tasuketa. I'm fine on my own." Akaashi frowned, while crossing his arms.

"Well, I thought it would be nice for you to have a friend, since you always seem so lonely." Tasuketa looked down at her phone and started typing something.

"What are you doing?" Akaashi questioned, while observing what his older sister was doing.

"Just telling him your number, so that you guys can chat." She smirked, still typing.

"WHAT? I never agreed to this!" Akaashi started throwing a fit. He had an angry expression on his face. Keiji was so mad that he almost stepped on the piles of papers that were laying on the wood floor.

"Calm down! I already told him your number. Get your phone, he's probably going to text you." Akaashi's sister turned off her phone and slipped it in her sweatpant pockets.

"Ugh.. why am I doing this." Akaashi mumbled underneath his breath. He waddled over to his bed, grabbing his phone. "Can you get out?"

"Jeez, alright. Let me know how things go." Tasuketa looked back at Akaashi, who was slouching on his bed frame, and gave a small wave.

Akaashi didn't even bother waving back, he just turned his head back to his phone screen, and looked through his contacts on his phone. Tilting his head back, letting it hit his mattress, he let out a big sigh. Why is she even trying to make me make friends anyways? Does she actually care that much? Tch.

Akaashi was just looking through his phone and looking through some songs, until he felt his phone vibrate slightly and a notification popped up on the top of his screen. He let his eyes wonder to the higher end of his screen, and finally, Bokuto sent him a message, two, actually.


Hey this is bokuto

You are akaashi right?


Oh great. Akaashi sighed once again, starting to type something.


Hey this is bokuto

You are akaashi right?

yeah i'm akaashi. i'm assuming my sister gave you my message?

Yeah how did you know?

just a guess. do you need something?

Not really I just wanna talk with you

oh, alright. give me a second



Akaashi groaned. I really don't want to talk right now. While he was regretting his decisions, he quickly changed the contact name to "bokuto" before he forgot.


i'm ready, call or text?

Does call sound good?


read 4:47PM      


"Bokuto is calling you".

Welp, it's too late now. Akaashi picks up the phone, praying that this conversation won't be awkward.

"Please don't be awkward, please don't be awkward.." He murmured quietly.

He was broken from his train of thought when he heard a familiar voice come from the device that was sitting in his hand.

"Hey, it's me Bokuto."



A/N- hihi! sorry this chapter is kind of short. :( i hope you all enjoyed it though! remember to eat, drink, and get some rest. :D i love you guys!

~author-chan (¯︶¯)

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