Chapter 18 - The Plan

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It was Bokuto.

"Yo, Bokuto! You're finally here!"


The two boys greeted eachother in excitement while Akaashi just stood there dumbfounded. Why is he here?

"You know the plan right, Bokuto?"

"Yep!! I have everything down."

"Alright, perfect." Kuroo turned back to the two smaller boys. "We'll be back in a sec." Kuroo grabbed Bokuto's wrist and dragged him back inside the building.

"I- um.. wha?" Akaashi was so confused.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot. Kuro told me they had a plan for something. It's probably nothing important, don't worry about it." Kenma turned away from his screen and gave Akaashi a reassuring smile.

"Oh. Do you know what it's about?"

"Um.. no. Kuro didn't tell me what the plan was." Kenma was lying. Of course Kuro told him about the plan, he basically tells Kenma everything. Kuro said to Kenma something along the lines of 'If you tell Akaashi I'm going to murder you.' Due to some um.. past events- he knew that Kuro was scary when he was mad, so he obeyed.

"Ah, okay. I won't pry into their things, I guess." Akaashi was pretty oblivious, so he wasn't that great at detecting lies- or just detecting things in general.

The golden haired boy sighed. "Wanna play Minecraft with me?" He looked up at Akaashi.

"Yeah, I'm down."

- over with bokuto and kuroo

"You know bro, Agaashi thought that I believed the rumors because I kept avoiding him." Bokuto said sadly while having the feeling of guilt pierce through his heart.

"You still have to do the dare, stupid. A dare is a dare. Also, you can just tell him once it's over."

Both of the boys slouched down against the wall in the 3rd year hallway.

Bokuto sighed. "Ugh.. honestly, the plan might not work."

"What happened? Weren't you all happy like a minute ago?" Kuroo raised an eyebrow.

Bokuto shot a glare at him.

"Ah, right. Sorry, bro."

"And here I thought you were used to my mood swings." Bokuto pouted.

"Yeah, yeah okay. We need to work out the plan." Kuroo pulled a small piece of paper out of his paper while Bokuto looked at him in curiosity. "I have a checklist for you, here." Kuroo handed the paper to Bokuto.






GL BRO ;-)))


"This list is shit bro." Bokuto looked up at the frowning bed-headed boy.

"Wow, rude!" Kuroo pouted jokingly. "Atleast I made a list for ya."

"Yeah, okay. Thanks, though!!" Bokuto smiled brightly. "I'll make that day the best one ever!"

Kuroo grinned. "Good." He sat up from his spot and put his hands on his hips. "Let's go back."


Akaashi was mining and Kenma was building a home.

"What color bed do you want?" Kenma asked while collecting wool.

"Maybe yellow or blue."

"Kay~." Kenma quickly grabbed some blue flowers and made them into dye.

"I'm coming back up, I found some diamonds." Akaashi smiled.

Kenma's face lit up. "How many?"

"Like, eight. I might find more on my way up."

"Alright, cool! Most of the house is done."

"I found more diamonds. I have thirteen now."

Kenma hummed in response and started placing some chests around. They sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, until Akaashi broke it.

"Hey, do you think Bokuto-san really believed those rumors?"

Just as Kenma was opening his mouth to respond- someone else responded for him.

"Nope, I didn't!"

Both of the boys quickly looked up to see both Kuroo and Bokuto standing infront of the doorway. Akaashi just became even more confused. "I- huh?"

"Hey! You still have a bit until the dare is complete!" Kuroo crossed his arms.

"Well too bad!! I don't think I can handle it much longer anyways." Bokuto pouted and leaned slightly closer to Kuroo while putting his hands on his hips.

Kuroo sighed. "Hmph, whatevs. You should tell Akaashi about it, he's probably real confused now."

"Ah, right!" Bokuto started walking over to Akaashi and Kenma. "Agaashii I'm sorry~ it was a dare!" Bokuto quickly pulled Akaashi into a hug without warning. It stunned him at first, but he settled into it.

After a few seconds Bokuto pulled away from the hug. "A dare?" Akaashi questioned, wondering what the dare was.

"Jeez, I thought you were smart, Agaashi!"

Akaashi sighed. "What was the dare?"

"Kuroo dared me to ignore you for a month.. I lost a bet to him." Bokuto put his hand on the back of his neck.

"Kuroo, huh? What was the bet?"

"Well uh.. we wanted to see who could climb a tree faster.." Bokuto said with a guilty tone.

Akaashi rested his chin on the back of his hand. "Really? And just because you didn't climb the tree as fast as Kuroo you had to ignore me for a month?"

"It was his idea, not mine!"

Kuroo stepped up. "I can confirm- yes. We did try to see who could climb a tree faster, and I won. Haha, sorry if I worried you or anything."

Akaashi sighed for what felt like the 7,000th time, and smiled at the two third years. "Alright, it's fine. I guess I don't really mind anyways."


A/N- sorry, this took really long! i'm just really unmotivated and school is getting in the way :')) also, i was making this up along the way and the best and most realistic thing i could think of was a dare, so it's kinda shitty :'DD anyways, remember to eat, drink, sleep, etc! i love you all sm ^_^

~thienan <3

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