Chapter 9 - "That was pretty anticlimatic."

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!TRIGGER WARNING! there are mentions of rape and self harm in this chapter, if you are sensitive to those topics please don't read this!

Akaashi opened his eyes to see himself locked inside of a dark, small room. The walls looked like scratched up, dull metal, and the floor was concrete. He was fully stripped, sitting inside of a wood chair in the back of the room. His arms were tied to the back of the chair. Luckily, his mouth wasn't taped and his legs weren't tied. 

Where the hell am I? Was Akaashi's first thought. He let out a quiet grunt. My ass hurts- Akaashi almost gagged mid-thought. Was I RAPED?  Akaashi closed his eyes and tilted his head up to the ceiling. There was a small lightbulb hanging from a rope, that was giving off a very small amount of light. "Tch.." Akaashi sighed. Why am I here? The last thing I remember is.. Akaashi gulped. A guy running towards me with a handkerchief. Then I like.. passed out I think?  After a second, Akaashi's eyes shot open. Oh shit.. I just realized. Akaashi looked down at his body. All my fucking scars are showing.. this is embarrassing. There were tons of small lines carved in his arms and legs. Ugh.. this is a pain. Might as well just kill myself now-

He was taken out of his small trace by hearing the door open slowly, with a shadow peeping through it. "Are you awake?~" A familiar voice echoed through the room.

"What the fu.." Akaashi said quietly.

"Oh, you are awake! Thats perfect~." The voice said, while there were sounds of a pen scribbling across a paper. "Blood.. type.. A.." The man said, almost inaudible.

Oh, I see. There was that one drug in the handkerchief.. I forgot what it's called. Like, I'm pretty sure it makes someone pass out for a few hours depending on their blood type? Akaashi thought, while there were still sounds of note-taking.

Once the scribbling stopped, the voice creeped in again. "So~ are you ready to die, Akaashi?~" The sound of a light switch clicked, and the lights turned on.

Jeez, that's bright.. Akaashi looked up to see the same man standing in the door frame. He was holding a small knife in his right hand. "Oh, it's you. Hey. What's your name again?" Akaashi said calmly.

"Silly me! Forgot to introduce myself. My name is Eita Maeda.. also, don't speak a word until I stab this knife in you, brat. I want to hear you scream." Eita furrowed his brows at Akaashi, who was just sitting in the wooden chair. He was completely unfazed.

Couldn't you atleast make an effort to try and close my mouth then? Akaashi sighed. "You could atleast tape my mouth then.." "You're kinda bad at kidnapping, y' know?" He said, with a resting bitch face.

Is this man trying to act tough or what? Eita thought to himself. "I don't give a shit. Also, why do you have so many fucking scars on you?" He questioned, basically demanding for an answer.

"I'm not going to answer your question. Are you going to kill me or..?" Akaashi said, while trying not to laugh.

"Motherfucker.." Eita whispered. He charged towards Akaashi, with his knife in hand, aiming to stab him in the heart.

For a guy who was able to capture me.. he's REALLY bad at kidnapping. Akaashi grunted, not wanting to use his legs- but had no choice if he wanted to live. Once Akaashi determined where he could kick Eita, he did it. He basically just kicked him in the crotch, making Eita fall to the ground. "Pfft, weak ass.." Akaashi said to himself quietly. He broke the ropes using his arms, and stood up off of the chair. I'm lowkey upset. I thought this would be more entertaining.. He walked over to Eita, who was laying on the ground in pain. He had let go of the small knife, and his notebook, which were both now laying flat on the ground.

 "You should've thought over your plan more." He crouched down and whispered into Eita's ears, with an unintentional, somewhat seductive voice. He stood back up and grabbed Eita's notebook and knife. "Should I stab you..?" He said quietly. Leaning his back onto the wall, the metal was cold on his bare skin "Actually, I won't. Because I don't stab random people, thank you." Akaashi said, scowling at Eita. Akaashi leaned off of the cold wall, and walked out of the room. He turned off the lights and shut the big, heavy door behind him. Akaashi could hear the sound of the door closing echoing in the small, empty room.

"Ugh.. I need clothes." Akaashi said to himself while looking around the place. There was a long hallway, with many rooms on the sides. Akaashi looked towards the right. There was a room labeled "𝐂 𝐋 𝐎 𝐓 𝐇 𝐈 𝐍 𝐆" Oh, this probably is where my clothes are. Akaashi pushed open the large door, to see tons of racks with clothing on it. "Jeez.. how many people have they kidnapped.." Akaashi said underneath his breath. He walked over to the tons of racks of clothing, and started shuffling through them to find his school uniform. 

After maybe a few minutes, he was finally able to find it in a pile of clothes in the back. "Finally~." He grunted, while putting on his uniform. 

"That was pretty anticlimatic."



A/N- i hope you guys enjoyed! sorry, there wasn't any bokuto in this chapter. :( next chapter will start off with him though! <3

~author-chan ('ヘ')

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