Chapter 15 - A Warm Welcome

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!TRIGGER WARNING! there are mentions of self harm and abuse in this chapter, if you are sensitive to those topics, please don't read this!

Akaashi woke up in his bathroom. Grunting, he sat up and looked around. There were some blood stains on the floor, but everything looked normal. Akaashi got up off the floor and walked across the hallway to his bedroom. Luckily, his dad was still passed out on the floor so he wouldn't get abused again.

His hair was somehow even messier than before. It was sticking out in all directions and extremely tangled. He looked down at himself. His uniform was covered in blood. "Right.." He muttered. His voice was shakey due to the events from last night. How am I supposed to go to school like this? Akaashi looked over at the clock in the corner of his room. "3:24AM". Oh. It's still pretty early, I think I might be able to wash my uniform between now and when school starts.. He sighed, taking off his uniform. "I guess I really was beat up last night, huh.."

Not only was his uniform blood stained, but so was his body. His cuts were still split open and his bandages were soaked with blood. He set his uniform aside and grabbed a roll of bandages that were messily rolled up. Without trying to open his cuts up even more, Akaashi carefully took off his old bandages and wrapped up his arms with new ones. Akaashi picked up his uniform and quietly walked out of his room, being cautious not to get his dad's attention. He headed over to the bathroom to wash his uniform and take a shower. Since the washing machines in his house were broken and he didn't know how to use them, he just decided to wash them in the bathroom sink. Once Akaashi put his uniform in the sink to soak, he got into the shower and turned the knob. Honestly, for Akaashi, it's been a while since a shower has felt nice. He scrubbed off all the blood and washed his hair. 

As the hot water was pouring down his skin, he thought of ways to get away from his father. I could ask Bokuto-san- oh wait.. He remembered again that Bokuto has been ignoring him for weeks. Akaashi sighed for what felt like the 50th time and turned off the water. I'll text Kenma if I can come over. I think he'll be fine with it.. Once he got out of the shower, he squeezed the water out of his clothes and walked back to his room. He looked over to check the time again. "3:56AM". "Alright.. it didn't take that long." His voice was still shakey and his didn't know why, but he just shrugged it off. He planned on that if anybody asked him why it was shakey, he would just say that "he's sick or something".

Akaashi hanged up his uniform on some rope to dry and got himself ready for school.


Akaashi was walking home with Kenma. Nothing interesting happened in school, really. It was just the normal day. Bokuto ignores him, kids make fun of him, hangs out with Kenma during lunch, and walking home. Since he hasn't asked to stay at Kenma's yet, he decided that now would be the best time.

"Hey, Kenma?" Akaashi said, looking over at his friend.


"Can I stay over for tonight?"

Kenma was kind of confused. "Why?"

Akaashi gulped. He didn't really plan for that answer, he just expected a 'yes' or 'no'. "Uh.. I don't know. Just feel like staying over I guess."

Kenma could easily tell he was lying, but didn't want to go up into his private life. "Alright. Are you going to stay over for the night or for a few hours?"

"Dunno. I'll figure it out once we get there."

"Okay. I'm totally going to beat you in Mario Kart." Kenma smirked.

Akaashi fake gasped. "No way! I'm definitely winning."

"Yeah, yeah, okay. We'll see." Kenma stuffed his hands into his pockets and looked back up ahead him. "Follow me, my house isn't that far away."

Akaashi gave the golden haired boy a small smile and nodded.


The boys finally reached Kenma's home. It was a pretty average house. Not too big, not too small. It looked cozy.

"My mom is probably cooking dinner, so we can just chill inside my room." Kenma opened the door and walked inside with Akaashi following him.

"Your house is nice." Akaashi said while taking off his shoes.

"Thanks. You can go say hi to my mom if you want." Kenma gestured to the kitchen.

Akaashi nodded and walked over to where his mom was cooking soba. "Hello." Akaashi gave a small wave.

Kenma's mom had black hair that was straight and shoulder length, kind of like Kenma's. She looked over and she gasped. "Oh, hello! Are you a friend of my son?"

Akaashi nodded.

"Kenma's making friends! I'm so happy. Welcome dear, you can go up to Kenma's room." She smiled.

Akaashi slightly chuckled at the 'Kenma's making friends!' part. "Alright. Thank you ma'am." He looked around for the stairs.

"On the left." Kenma's mom said while stirring the pot.

"Oh okay, thank you." Akaashi bowed and walked up the stairs and saw Kenma slouched against the wall on his PSP. "Uh-"

Kenma looked up at Akaashi. "Took you long enough, let's go." He smirked again and got up, walking over to his room.

"Jeez, I didn't even take that long!" Akaashi pouted and followed Kenma.


A/N- hope u guys enjoyed this chapter :D i was kind of unmotivated so this chapter is a little bad and rushed, sorry!!


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