Chapter 11.5/12(?) - Rooftop

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!POSSIBLE TRIGGER WARNING! at the end of this chapter there is a mention of suicide and self harm, you are sensitive to those topics please don't read that part of the chapter!

A/N- timeskip to the next day in the morning before school

Akaashi woke up to the sound of the ringing of his alarm clock. Not wanting to get ready for school, he lazily got off his bed and grunted. "Fuck my life." He said under his breath.

School started in two hours. Akaashi had all the time he needed to get ready, but he felt rather unmotivated to do anything today. He walked down the stairs, extremely tired and almost stumbling. The closer he got to the kitchen, the more the smell of miso soup came in. He walked into the kitchen to see his sister cooking. Akaashi let out a yawn, which grabbed his sister's attention.

"Oh, good morning Keiji~! You look tired." Tasuketa looked over at the younger boy.

"Yeah no shit.." He sighed, going over to sit at the table.

"Huh, he more grumpy than usual." She whispered to herself while pouting.

Akaashi turned over to his older sister. "You know I can hear you, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, okay. Why are you so grumpy anyways?" Tasuketa turned her head back to the miso soup, pouring it into small bowls.

Akaashi sighed again, "Am I not normally this grumpy?"

"I guess you are. But like, I dunno. You just give off... grumpier vibes today." She sat down with the two bowls in her hands, handing one over to Akaashi.

"Thanks.." Akaashi grabbed the bowl and slid it closer to him. He wasn't in the mood to do anything, not even eat. He wasn't hungry.

Akaashi stirred the soup with his spoon, not bothering to eat it at all.

"Yeah.. definately grumpier than usual." She noted quietly, furrowing her brows at Akaashi.

He looked up at his sister, giving her a glare. Jeez, I hate her so much. 

"Woah, okay. No need to be harsh." Tasuketa put her hands up in the air jokingly, smirking at her brother. "By the way, you don't have to eat if you don't wanna. Just go get ready for school." "I'll give you your lunch once you're done."

"'Kay." Akaashi got out of his seat and pushed it in. 

He walked back upstairs to his messy room, which was covered in sketchbooks and music discs. Huh, probably should clean this sometimes. He sighed for what felt like the 5000th time this morning and walked over to his closet to grab his uniform. He buttoned up his shirt and put on his pants. How do you put on a tie again..? His brain was going blank. Grunting, he tried putting it on. "I think I did it right." He looked in the mirror. His tie was very crooked, and definately put on wrong. "Yeah.. I did it right." Akaashi slipped on his gray blazer and lazily buttoned it up. He stuffed some things in his bag and strapped it on his back. Before walking out of the door, he looked in his mirror once again. His hair was very messy, but surprisingly not tangled at all. Akaashi brushed his hand through his hair, trying to make it look less messy. It didn't work at all, though. Whatever. Nobody is going to care anyways. He sheepishly walked back downstairs to see her watching anime on the couch.

"I'm heading out. Where did you put my lunch?"

"On the counter. Have fun!" Tasuketa paused her show and shot a smile at Akaashi.

"Thanks. I'll see you later." Akaashi slightly smiled back at his sister and grabbed his bento box, shoving it into his bag. He turned to the door and walked out of the house, closing the door behind him. 

"I should probably be careful, or else that weird.. uh.. Maeda guy- he'll probably try to kidnap me again or some shit like that." He muttered to himself. Akaashi ran a hand through his hair, sighing. "Jeez, life kinda sucks. I can't wait to see Bokuto-san." He looked over at his phone to check the time. "6:03AM" I still have an hour until school starts.. and I'm walking right now. He thought. "Ughh, I'm going to be so early. What am I going to do when I get there?" Akaashi looked up ahead and saw the one and only, Fukurodani High. He grunted and kept walking. Guess the only thing I have to do is sit and wait. Akaashi leaned up against the fence and stared at his phone for a bit.

It's been a few minutes, and Akaashi was on the verge of falling asleep. He shut off his phone and slumped down onto the grass, planning on taking a small nap. His eyes were starting to close until he heard a familar voice calling him in the distance.


Akaashi looked up to see the same, gray-haired third year running towards him. The moment he caught a glimpse of the boy, he smiled. "Goodmorning, Bokuto-san."

"Goodmorning!! You look exhausted, what's up?" Bokuto sat down next to Akaashi. He looks so cute with his hair all messy like that.

"Dunno, I guess I'm just more tired than usual today. Not a big deal." Akaashi let out a small yawn and looked over at Bokuto. "Why are you here so early?"

"Oh, haha. I guess I just woke up a bit too early and didn't feel like sitting at home for like an hour. Also, I couldn't fall back asleep because whenever I get out of my bed or wake up, I suddenly become really energetic." Bokuto smiled at Akaashi.

"Ah, so that's where you get all your energy from." Akaashi looked back down and smiled. I really don't deserve him.

- A/N- timeskip to lunch bc nothing else interesting happens until then

Akaashi was sitting on the rooftop eating his bento quietly. He was alone since Bokuto had to do something, helping his teacher. Well, that's what he told him. Akaashi picked up a small piece of sausage and shoved it into his mouth, not giving a care about anything at the moment. He let his eyes close, finally feeling a sense of peace. But, unfortunately for Akaashi, it didn't last for long.

"Oi, Akaashi. Is that your name?" A voice called out.

It sounded oddly familiar to Akaashi. He looked up. Oh my god, not this guy again. I swear to fucking god. "Yeah. What do you want?"

"Just wanted to say something real quick to ya." The boy walked over to Akaashi, who was just trying to peacefully eat his lunch.

"I think it's a good idea to jump off the roof right now. Your only chance, right? Plus, you cut yourself." He smirked.

Akaashi gulped. "What's your name again?" He asked.

"Eita Maeda. Make sure you remember that. Also, you know, your hair is all messy and your tie is crooked. You look real down today." Eita snickered.

"Huh, okay, Mr. 'Horrible at Kidnapping', thanks for giving me the idea. I'll probably do it soon. I would like to spend more time living, though." Akaashi smiled at Eita.

"Sounds fine with me. Make sure you let me know when you jump off." Eita grinned back at Keiji and got up. "I'm going back inside. I'll be in class 1-B, so just go there to let me know."

Akaashi nodded and kept eating his lunch while Eita was walking back inside the school.



A/N- i'm sorry this chapter is late and extremely uneventful!! i'll make the next one better i promise :'DD

~author-chan ( •́^•̀ )

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