Chapter 4 - Realization

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It has been many hours, Bokuto's head is still resting on Akaashi's shoulder. Akaashi, on the other hand, was slouched over with his arms wrapped around his knees and his head resting on them. Bokuto's eyes slowly opened, not realizing that he basically slept with Keiji. As he lifted up his head off of Akaashi's shoulder, he rubbed his eyes and let out a yawn.  While getting up off of the grass, he looked over to see his friend, Akaashi, sleeping quietly on the grass, next to where he was. He was really confused, Why is Akaashi here? Why is he asleep? His face quickly turned a shade of red. Did we just sleep together? He couldn't help but keep looking at Akaashi and how adorable he was while he was sleeping. His messy hair, and his chin resting ontop of his knees. His mouth was slightly open, but he was staying quiet. It was obvious that Bokuto started to develop feelings for his friend, but he tried to deny it.

"There's no way I like him.. he's my friend. I should be liking girls.." Bokuto muttered underneath his breath, making sure that nobody could hear him.

The sun started to rise, making Bokuto realize that they've been sleeping outside the house for hours and nobody seemed to notice. He let out a small sigh, face still red. He decided to wake up Akaashi, who was still peacefully sleeping. He kneeled down and slightly shaked Akaashi in attempt to wake him up. Fortunately, he woke up. His eyes slowly opened, to the sight of a gray and black haired boy kneeled in front of him.

"Goodmorning." Akaashi stood up and adusted his bag, which was still on his back since he fell asleep.

".. what happened?" Bokuto was confused, while trying to maintain eye contact with Akaashi.

"Oh, last night you fell asleep outside so I fell asleep with you." Akaashi said calmly, looking at Bokuto.

"E-eh?" Bokuto's face turned pink again, but he turned away from Akaashi, hiding his face from him.

Akaashi ignored Bokuto's attempt of concealing his face from him, and slid out his phone from his pocket to check the time. "6:21AM". "Bokuto-san?" Akaashi called out.

"What is it, Akaashi?" Bokuto lifted his head up to see Akaashi scrolling through his phone.

"Want to come over to visit my house? You could meet my sister in person again." Akaashi rose his head, turning away from his phone that was sitting in his hand, while the other was set in his pocket.

Bokuto's cheeks turned red, kind of shocked. "Huh?"

"Would you like to visit my home, and see my sister again?" Akaashi rephrased slightly with a straight face.

"O-oh! Yeah sure.."  Bokuto's face still red, he turned away from Akaashi.

Confused on why Bokuto was acting so weirdly, he asked him if he was alright. "Uh.. you okay? You seem pretty odd."

"Yep! I'm perfectly fine, let's go!" Bokuto rushed and quickly grabbed Akaashi's arm.

He kept thinking about how strange Kotaro was acting, but he just went along with it. "Do you even know where my house is, Bokuto-san?"

He stopped on his tracks, face even more red, filled with embarrassment. "Uh- not really.."

"That's what I thought, follow me dummy." He pulled his arm out of Bokuto's grasp, and started walking off.

Bokuto was basically glued to the floor. Did he just call me a dummy? He got out of his thoughts, and noticed that Akaashi was walking away from him. "H-hey, wait for me!" Bokuto ran after him, while pouting. He could hear Akaashi saying "slowpoke" in the distance.


Akaashi and Bokuto have been walking together for around 10 minutes, with a comfortable silence surrounding them. They had finally reached Keiji's house, it was quiet and peaceful, with only the sounds of birds chirping and leaves rustling.

"Alright, we're here Bokuto-san." Akaashi looked over at a smiling Bokuto, who was looking at the scenery around his house. He walked over to him and poked Bokuto's face, making him blush.

"Huh? Oh." Bokuto snapped back into reality, and started walking with Akaashi into his small and comfy home.

Do I actually have a crush on Akaashi?



A/N- thoughts on bokuto catching feelings first? :) also, sorry this chapter is short!

~author-chan (^人^)

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