Chapter 14 - "Please don't leave me.."

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!TRIGGER WARNING! there are mentions of self harm, abuse, and alcohol in this chapter, if you are sensitive to those topics, please don't read this!

timeskip to weeks after the "bathroom incident"

Ever since Akaashi met Kenma, he's felt a lot calmer. Despite the rumors going around the school, he's mainly been feeling alright. There was another difference though. Bokuto hasn't been talking to him since the rumors started.

Akaashi was sitting on the rooftop eating lunch,- alone. Kenma normally had something to do during lunch because of Kuroo, but whenever he has free time he hangs out with Akaashi. He was finishing up his rice when he heard the door open. Akaashi quickly glanced up, secretly hoping it would be Bokuto. Instead he saw Kenma. But, he wasn't dissapointed. He was happy that Kenma atleast made some time for him.

"Hey Kenma." Akaashi quickly put the lid back on his container and stuffed it in his bag.

Kenma responded with a small wave and walked over to where his friend was.

"So, what's going on between you and Bokuto? You guys seem kinda distant right now." Kenma sat down next to Akaashi and leaned on the railing.

"Wow, I didn't expect that question." Akaashi looked over at the golden haired boy.

Kenma huffed. "Just answer the question."

"Okay, okay. Well.. I don't really know, actually. He kind of just.. left?" Akaashi looked back ahead and tilted his head up slightly.

"Huh, alright. Do you want me to get Kuroo to talk to him or..?"

The taller boy sighed. "It's fine. Don't worry about me."

"You know, you said that the first time we met." Kenma teased and crossed his arms.

Akaashi pouted slightly. "What about it?"

"It's nothing. Just, if you need anything or need to talk about anything then I'm here for you." Kenma sweetly smiled at Akaashi.

"I thought you were shy and antisocial. What happened?" Akaashi teased back at Kenma and chuckled.

"I'm not shy and antisocial with people who I'm comfortable with, dumbass!" The shorter boy playfully shoved Akaashi.


Akaashi was walking home from school, relieved that the day was over. Once he reached his home, he twisted open the door to see something he didn't expect.

"What the fuck.." He muttered to himself. He saw his dad laying on the couch and drinking beer. Of course, Akaashi knew that his dad was coming home at some time but he still was surpised. To say the least, he was very indeed scared of his own father.


Akaashi watched as his dad slowly looked over at the door. Sweat started dripping down his face.

"Hah, there you are." The figure almost trembled while getting off the couch and walking over to Akaashi. The boy's immediate reaction was to back away. "You little bitch. Thanks to your hell of a mother I got arrested for years~"

Akaashi could easily tell that he was drunk. "Please don't hurt me." He said in a low and quiet tone.

"I hate you. I wish you died already." Akaashi's dad clenched his fists and grabbed his son by his shirt. Akaashi gulped. He clenched his eyes closed and waited for impact, which arrived shortly. He felt a sharp pain in chest. His father punched him enough for Akaashi to let out a small whimper.

"I'm sorry.. I-" Tears started to develop in the boy's eyes.

"SORRY ISN'T GOING TO CUT IT!" His father punched his arm.

Akaashi let out an ear splitting scream and bit his lip. More tears streamed down his face. The punch just split open the cuts on his skin.

"Oh, I found your weak spot huh?~" A/N- holy shit that sounds so wrong i'm sorry The man continued punching and pinching at Akaashi's arms, resulting in more whimpers and cries.

This went on for a while, until his dad passed out due to all the beer he's been drinking.

There were tear stains and bruises all over Akaashi. 

"Fuck. I'm so weak.." Akaashi clenched onto one his arms, which now had a bandage soaked in blood on it. "I think I might bleed to death anytime soon." He muttered while looking down at the floor with coughed up blood stains.

Akaashi let out a weak sigh and slowly walked over to the bathroom, almost falling over every five seconds. He took a look at himself. He was a mess. Covered in blood, tears, and his hair was all tangled. After a solid minute, more tears started falling down his face.








"I hope you die."

"You have no purpose."

Akaashi fell onto the floor, breaking down. There were false rumors about him, Bokuto hasn't been talking to him, and on top of all of that- his dad came back home and is now abusing him. Now, he only has Kenma. If he looses him, he is done for.

"Please don't leave me.."



A/N- this chapter mentally BROKE ME. i'm sorry-

okay but on a real note, if you guys feel worthless or unloved, you aren't. you are loved by so many, including me. remember that you are amazing, and i love you so much :D all of your pain is temporary, it will go away at some point. please talk to someone you trust.

suicide hotlines-

you're so strong for making it this far, please don't end it. :)

~thienan <3

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