Chapter 3 - Walking Together

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It has been a few weeks since Akaashi and Bokuto's first real interaction with each other, the call. The relationship between the two has changed a ton since then, and everybody has seemed to notice it.

Bokuto was laying on his bed, while writing on a piece of lined paper that was messily ripped out of his notebook. "Hey agaashi! Bokuto here! Want to hang out at that one ramen place nearby? Also i know that i'm sending this on a piece of paper, my phone lost all of it's connection and it's broken. So if i haven't replied to any of your messages that's why. Sorry, sorry! ~Bokuto-san" Was read on the sheet on paper. I'm pretty sure he told me his address.. Bokuto started scurrying around his room looking for a small yellow sticky-note that he wrote Keiji's address on. 

After a few minutes, he managed to find the slightly crumpled-up piece of paper that was mixed in with all the other things scattered on his desk. Phew, okay. Time to just send this note. Kotato grabbed an envelope that was laying on his shelf, and folded his note inside of it. Then, he ran downstairs and hopped on his bike, heading over to the post office. At the time, he was the only person home, so he didn't have to let anyone know. Plus, he was aware that people wouldn't be home until hours later. 

It's been around ten minutes and Bokuto has finally reached the post office. He headed inside, taking the envelope and sticking it into a little compartment, telling the people the shipping address. (A/N- is that how it works?) After that little situation, Bokuto walked out of the small building, grabbing onto his bike once again. Just as he was about to hop on, he heard a familiar voice calling his name.

"Bokuto-san?" The voice called out from the distance.

Bokuto looked up to see his friend, Akaashi, standing not too far away from him, on the concrete sidewalk. "... aAGAAASHIII!!!!" He called out excitedly, finally being able to see his friend. He ran over to the black-haired boy, pulling him into a hug. He let go before Akaashi was able to return the hug.

"What are you doing here, Bokuto-san?" Akaashi questioned, curious on why Bokuto is at the post office.

"Oh- I- uh.. I was just delivering a note to your house, telling you some things." Bokuto scratched the back of his neck, giving a closed eye smile.

"Oh, well might as well tell me now. What did the note say?" Akaashi was pretty calm, just less excited than normal.

"Well, my phone was kind of um.. broken? So, that's why I haven't been responding to texts or calls, if you sent any." Bokuto admitted, bringing his arms to his back, interlocking his fingers together. "Anyways, why are you here, Akaashi?"

"Oh, I was just going on a walk. I was planning on heading over to 7-eleven, want to come along?" Akaashi was pulling out his phone, checking the time.

"YEAH!" Bokuto was more than excited. First, he bumped into his friend, then they are going to 7-eleven together!

"Alright! Let's go now then, we actually aren't that far awa-" Akaashi stopped mid sentence.

"Huh?" Bokuto was confused, why did he just cut himself off?

"Erm- should you maybe put your bike away first? I can walk to your house with you." Akaashi didn't want Bokuto to deal with carrying his bike all the way to 7-eleven and all the way back, so he just decided that they should just drop it off.

Bokuto felt his heart skip a beat, and his cheeks were turning slightly pink. He faced away from his friend, attempting to hide his face from him. ".. sure. Let's go." He walked back to the parking lot to grab his bike. He took it by the handles and guided it towards the sidewalk.

Both of them started walking towards the direction of where Bokuto's home was.

"I'm assuming you know where your house is?" Akaashi asked, making sure that they won't get lost.

"Yep, I know my way home. Just follow me." Bokuto's hands were still gripped onto the bike, while walking with Akaashi.

Akaashi was walking besides Bokuto, with his hands in his pockets. He had a small brown one-strapped bag on his back. He also had a white sweatshirt with a small design on it, and a pair of black, plain sweatpants. He was wearing contacts, though, normally he would wear glasses during a walk.

Bokuto's face was still pink. He was extremely confused on why he felt so shy at that moment, and the feeling of butterflies in his stomach. Why the hell am I feeling this way? Am I okay? Do I need help? Wh- He was snapped out of his small trance by the feeling of a tap on his shoulder.

"Bokuto-san, you okay?" Akaashi was looking at him dead in the eye, with a slightly worried expression on his face.

"Y-yeah. I'm perfectly fine, don't worry about me!" He responded, while looking at his surroundings. "We're almost there, just a few more houses to pass."

Akaashi nodded, and slightly pushed Bokuto as a signal to continue walking.

It's been about a few minutes, they had finally reached Bokuto's house.

"I'll go put my bike away now, give me a second." Bokuto gestured for Akaashi to sit on the bench that was placed in front of the small gates surrounding the house. He walked in and went inside his garage to set his bike down. After he had done that, he went back outside, but for some reason hesitated to go back to Akaashi. He decided to just lean against the wall of his house, and he had let go of a breath that he didn't know he was holding. He sighed slightly, slumping himself onto the grass. Letting his eyes closed, he slowly dozed off to sleep without noticing.

It had been about 15 minutes since Bokuto had come back from returning his bike, and Akaashi started to become worried about him. He started to become impatient, so he look a glance through the gates, and saw a sleeping Bokuto leaned against the wall. Cute.. wait, what? He just called Bokuto cute. He was confused, why did he just call him cute? Jesus, whatever. He brushed it off and climbed over the gate to go up to Bokuto. He was sleeping peacefully on the grass, small and quiet snores coming from his mouth. Akaashi slightly smiled at the sight, and walked over to sit beside him. 

After a minute or two, Bokuto's head leaned slightly on Akaashi's shoulder, startling him. Once he looked over to see Bokuto's sleeping face on his shoulder, his cheeks turned into a shade of pink. He just ignored it, and decided to fall asleep with him. He closed his eyelids shut, slowly snoozing away.



A/N- hello! sorry for the slight delay on this chapter! i hope you guys enjoyed it though. :) eat, drink, sleep, etc.! i love you all, and have a great morning/evening/night!

~author-chan ( ' ▽ ' )

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