The First Task

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It was the day of the first task and I was getting ready to go see the champions compete. I finished putting on my earrings and looked in the mirror.

I kissed Minnie's head who was taking a nap on my bed and headed out the door

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I kissed Minnie's head who was taking a nap on my bed and headed out the door. Ellie, Sofie, Draco and Blaise where all waiting for me and we headed to the quidditch pitch which was transformed into a rocky field.

After a while the canon fired signaling the first task has begun.

---After the tournament bcz everyone knows what happens and also I'm lazy😅---

We all went back to Hogwarts, me and Draco were walking together back to the castle.

"Malfoy, Villin" we heard. We both turned around to see Cedric running towards us with the golden egg in his hand. "The hufflepuffs are throwing a party at 7:00 I was wondering If you two would come" he told us. 

"We Would Love to" I said, "No" Draco told him at the same time I did. "I'm invited to Victor Krums party and so is Francesca" he told him.

"No I'm not, I'm coming to your party Cedric" I told him.

"Sweet, see you their" he told me and left.

"You are not going!" Draco ordered.

"I am! Don't you dare make me follow your orders. Cedric is my friend and I will be their to celebrate this accomplishment with him" I replied with an angry tone.

"I think he has a bit more then friendship on his mind" He told me in a jealous tone.

"What's that suppose to mean?!?" I said.

"Okay then go to the stupid party" he told me and left.

I then rushed to my dorm to get ready.

---40min later---

Ellie helped me to get ready for the party, she wanted me to look great but she was making me look a bit extra.

I was sitting in my vanity chair waiting for Ellie to find a dress from her closet since my closet basically had all black dresses. My hair and make up was done now I need to get a dress since I was just in my towel.

"I found itttt" she said singing the last part.

She gave me the dress and I went into the bathroom to change.

She gave me the dress and I went into the bathroom to change

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