Francesca is from the Villin family a very powerful family in the wizarding world. Her family is known to be a very rich Pureblood family. When she gets her Hogwarts letter on her birthday is very exited to get sorted into Slytherin just like her fa...
I wake up to my cat shoving her butt in my face "Minnie what the hell...ughhh" and then she comes rubbing her face with mine "I love you too Minnie...what is that on your leg?" I saw a piece of paper attached with a string and it read.
Wake up sleepy head First day of school Get ready for transfigurations Then potions with our head of house -D.M
I woke up and brushed my teeth, did my hair into a ponytail and put on my Slytherin uniform.
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I headed down to the common room and found Draco waiting for me.
"About time let's go to breakfast quick or else Crabbe and Goyle will eat all of the food," he said.
"Yeah that's true," I said and we headed off to the great hall.
We ate and then headed off to our first class Transfiguration. "Ahh Mr Malfoy, Ms Villin how lovely our second earliest students" from the corner of my eye I could see Granger the mudblood already writing ugh "now take a seat start to read pages 1 to 3 and take out a quill and a piece of parchment, write the title: introduction to transfiguration and write down the notes I wrote on the blackboard," she said with a grin and I know she was head of Gryffindor house but she was a very nice and kind professor.
Draco and I sat down and started to read the pages we occasionally glanced at each other and smiled then when we started writing the notes the room started to fill in. 5 minutes into the lesson Professor McGonagall transfigured herself into a cat which was brilliant I wanted to do that but I was thinking of leaving it for year 4 anyway then two students come barging in.
It was Blood traitor Weasley and Saint Potter "Few we made it, can you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were late?" the redhead said then McGonagall transfigured from a cat into her human self. "That was Bloody Brilliant," he said.
"Why thank you, Mr Weasley, perhaps it would be better if I were to transfigure yourself or Mr Potter into a pocket watch maybe one of you will be on time," the professor said.