The Inquisitorial Squad

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The past few months were a living hell. Umbridge was taking over the school and I swear that her obsession with the Minister of magic was leading her to madness. Us Slytherins never managed to get detention with her, and we thank merlin for it every day. The news went around the school about Umbridge's detentions which made them write lines with quills that used their own blood whilst it carved in their skin. All the Slytherins tried as hard as we could not get detention. 

We were eating lunch when we hear Umbridge and McGonagall, arguing. The gang and I looked at each other and rushed to the corridor to see what was going on.

A heated argument between McGonagall and Umbridge was taking place. They were arguing about Umbridge's style of punishments and to be honest I was on McGonagall's side, the blood quills didn't seem nice at all. I think I would prefer to go to the forbidden forest like in 1st year.

Then we all heard something which was a shock "Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I thought...Cornelious would want to take immediate action"

The thirst she has for Fudge is absolutely embarrassing.

Over the week the school became a living hell, Umbitch was slowly taking over the school and was made high inquisitor by Fudge. She created the most stupid and stilly rules and gave students detention for the dumbest reasons. One time Draco and I were during Divination together and we heard an announcement "Boys and Girls are not permitted to be within six inches of each other" The entire class started complaining including me. This meant no snogging Draco and obviously so having sex with him and the worst one of all NO CUDDLING. I was in a fit of panic and eventually, Trelawney managed to silence the class. Draco then passed me a note that said 'Thankfully I got 11 ;)' I blushed heavily when I saw what he wrote and I immediately blushed at this. Then Umbridge burst into the classroom and started to ask professor Trelawney questions about her job and most of them she was capable to answer except for one. She couldn't make a prophecy for Umbridge.

"Not even one tiny little prophecy ?" she asked with a fake smile. Trelawney started to stutter and when Umbridge was about to leave Trelawney managed to blurt out "Yes! You are in grave danger"

Umbridge then turned around, checked a box on her clipboard and said "Lovely"

Draco and I looked at each other knowing she is going to sack Trelawney. She did it also to Snape and when she came to choir practise she literally measured Professor Flitwiks height.

The next day, Sofie and Ellie were going to the courtyard to study a bit in some fresh air and we saw a crowd of students surrounding the yard and Trelawney in the middle with a suitcase with her. I saw Draco in the crowd and I went over to him.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Trelawney, she's being sacked by Umbridge" He replied.

Filch then appeared leaving another suitcase, and Umbridge holding a paper.

"!6 years I have taught here, Hogwarts is my home. Y-you can't do this" Trelawney stuttered. 

"Actually...Actually, I can" Umbridge said with a fake sad face.

Trelawney started to cry and McGonagall went up to her and comforted her.

"Something you would like to say?" Asked Umbridge.

"Oh, there are several things I would like to say" McGonagall replied.

Suddenly Dumbledore came into the courtyard.

"Professor McGonagall, might I ask you to escort Sybil back inside?" He asked McGonagall, professor Trelawney was beyond grateful for this.

"Dumbledore, may I remind you that under the terms... of Educational Decree Number..." Umbridge was then cut off by Dumbledore who said "You have the right to dismiss my teachers. You do not, however, have the authority to banish them from the grounds. That power remains with the headmaster."

With the fakest smile, she has ever pulled she said "For now".

"Don't you all have studying to do?!" he yelled.

We then all went to the common room where the girls and I were on one sofa and the boys (Draco, Blaise and Crabbe) were on the other. It has been a day since Draco and I last cuddled and I'm missing it so much.

"Oh dears don't worry about the whole boys and girls having to be 6 inches away from each other, the rules don't apply in the Slytherin common room" We turned around to see it was Umbridge with a grin on her face.

"T-Thank you Professor Umbridge" I stuttered.

"You are very welcome dear" she then headed outside and when we saw that she left, I leapt onto Draco making the couch fall backwards and I started to kiss his face. Eventually, we got up and placed everything back in place.

---A few days later---

Draco and I were walking to the great hall until we saw filch adding another rule. It wasn't a rule, it was more of an offer. We could join the new squad of Umbridge's for extra credit, Draco and I decided to join and So did Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise and Ellie. Sofie decided to stay out of it since she didn't want anything to do with Umbridge.

We all went to her office and knocked.

"Come in" we heard and when we entered the office we were amazed by the intense amount of pink. Everything was pink and plates with pictures of cats filled the room.

"We would like to join the inquisitorial squad," Draco told her, Umbridge's eyes widened and by the end of the day I and the gang except for Sofie were in the industrial squad and our mission was...catch Dumbledore's army.

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