Francesca is from the Villin family a very powerful family in the wizarding world. Her family is known to be a very rich Pureblood family. When she gets her Hogwarts letter on her birthday is very exited to get sorted into Slytherin just like her fa...
It was the 31st of July I woke up like always brushed my teeth and hair and put on an outfit.
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And I went downstairs for breakfast. When I went into the dining room I saw my mum, dad and sister eating breakfast. I then went next to them and ate my breakfast. After I was done an owl came through the window. It had our Hogwarts letters.
I opened the letter to find out that I needed the entire Gilderoy Lockhart collection. His books are a load of rubbish like himself.
"Francesca dear, Lucius and his son are coming to pick you up to go to Diagonal alley." My father said whilst reading the Daily Profit.
"What about Aurora?" I questioned.
"She will be going with Ben and his aunt," My father told me.
I went to the living room and whilst I was waiting for the Malfoys to arrive I was putting on my Slytherin robe. Then I saw a green flame coming out of the fireplace then Mr Malfoy and Draco came out of it.
"Fran!" Draco said giving me a tight hug.
"Come now we can't be late we have to go to go to Borgin and Burke's as well." Mr Malfoy said. Not going to lie that place is creepy AF.
I went into the fireplace with Draco and his father and Lucius shouted "Nocturne Alley" we then arrived in a pitch-black Alley and entered a shop filled with old junk.
I held Draco's hand because I'm not going to lie the old junk looked like it belonged in a haunted house.
When we entered the shop Draco was touching a statue of I don't know what it was but it was freaky as shit. Then Mr Malfoy came in and yanked his cane onto Draco's shoulder and told him "Don't touch anything Draco"
"Yes, father," Draco said.
"Ahhh Mr Malfoy how lovely to see you again and of course young Master Malfoy and Mistress Villin," said an old man.
Then Mr Malfoy and the man who was Mr Borgin started talking about the thing Mr Malfoy was selling and about blood purity.
Then me and Draco saw this old coffin it looked like. But Draco couldn't keep his hands to himself and started to touch the damn thing even when his father told him not to touch anything. Then I see the same cane as before on Draco's shoulder. "What did I say?" Mr Malfoy asked Draco.
"Touch nothing" Draco replied.
"Exactly, now how about you and Francesca here go get your books," Mr Malfoy told his son. God, he was intimidating.
"Yes father," he said and with that, he left.
We then went to Diagonal alley to get our books. We walked past a cafeteria where I saw my sister, Ben and his aunt having a cup of tea. I waved at them and they waved back.
We entered Flourish and Blotts and bought our books. They were very expensive but since my family was rich I didn't care that much.
"Look Draco, Lockhart is going to be here," I said annoyingly.
"I hate that guy, Look Potter I here with the Weasleys and the Mudblood," he said.
"Quick up there," I said pointing to the upstairs of the book store where you can see the entire store.
"There he is!" An old woman said. Then everyone clapped except me and Draco.
"It can't be...Harry Potter!" Lockhart said. Then the man from the Daily profit yanked Potter towards Lockhart for them to take a picture for the front page of the Daily Profit.
Then he goes to the front of the store away from the crowd so Draco and I went ahead to go bug him.
"Well well well look who it is Saint Potter and his little orange head minions" I spat.
"Bet you loved that didn't you Potter. Famous Harry Potter can't even go to the book shop without making the front page" Draco Said.
"Leave him alone" The youngest one of them all said. She gave us a dirty look but I shot one right at her.
"Oh look Potter you got yourself a girlfriend," He said.
"By the looks of it so do you" Potter fired right back looking at me. Then I realised we were still holding hands.
"At least I'm not a blood traitor" I shot right back.
Then we see Lucius and he pushes us to the side. "Now, now children play nicely. Mr Potter, I'm Lucius Malfoy" He said taking out his hand and Potter shook it then he pulled Potter towards him and looked at his scar. "Forgive me, your scar is legendary. As of course the wizard who gave it to you."
Then Potter said, "Voldemort killed my parents. He was nothing more than a murderer".
"You must be very brave to mention his name. Or very foolish" Mr Malfoy said.
"Fear of the name only creates fear of the thing itself," Granger spoke.
"And you must be...Ms Granger. Yes, Draco has told me all about you...and your Parents. Muggles aren't they?" He said clearly teasing her about her parents. "Now what do we have here, Red hair, vacant expressions and tatty second-hand must be the Weasleys," he says looking at all of the redheads. While taking a book out of the youngest one's cauldron.
"Children let's get out of here its mad" A man with red hair says.
"Well well well Weasley Senior," Mr Malfoy says.
"Lucius," Mr Weasley says clearly they are not friends.
"Busy time at the Ministry, Arthur, all those extra raids? I do hope they're paying you overtime, but judging by the state of this, I'd say not. What's the use in being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don't even pay you well for it" Mr Malfoy said. I'm not going to lie I smirked when Mr Malfoy said this and so did Draco.
"We have a very different idea about what disgraces the name of wizard, Malfoy." Mr Weasley defends his family.
"Clearly. Associating with Muggles... and I thought your family could sink no lower. I'll see you at work. Come Draco and Francesca" He said and with that, he left.
"See you at school," said Draco and I gave all of them a disgusted look. And we left.
We then arrived home to see Mother and father having tea together. Did I mention my family lives on tea. Some people live on coffee my family lives on tea.
"Hello Lucius, What a lovely surprise. Please have tea with us" he said and Mister Malfoy went to have tea with them.
"May I be excused please?" Draco said.
"Yeah let me show you where the bathroom is," I said.
I showed him towards the bathroom but he didn't go in he just pressed his lips against mine. That sly snake just wanted some privacy. I kissed back and placed my arms around his neck.
We stayed like that for about 5 minutes until we here "Draco what are you doing!?" Coming from downstairs. We quickly rush downstairs and Draco tells his father "Sorry father but Francesca wanted to show me something it was umm...a book"
"Very well we will be going home then," Mr Malfoy said walking into the fireplace with Draco and went home.
I went up to my room to hear Aurora talking with someone from the room next door.
"Aurora when did you come here? Oh hi, Ben" I questioned my sister.
"I came in when your mouth was a bit occupied," she said laughing along with Ben.
"Well then I'm going," I said then I left and headed off to bed.