New Classes

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I woke up very exited even if Minnie did shove her butt in my face. I was going to start my new classes.

I was going to start with Potions with Hufflepuffs house and then I have Care of Magical creatures with the Gryffindors and after break I have Dada with Gryffindors and  after that Divinations and that class is Slytherin only.

---Skip to Care of magical creatures---

It was my first lesson of Care of magical creatures I was walking with Draco along with the class because Hagrid was going to teach us a great lesson. I was holding the book for the class that if you open it it might eat you whole.

"Right, you lot. Less chattering. Form a group over there. And open your books to page 49." Orders us Hagrid.

"Exactly, how do we do that?" Asked Draco.

"Just stroke the spine, of course. Goodness me." He said. As if we could figure that out.

I then started to stroke the spine and the minster book began to purr.

Then Longbottom opened his book without stroking it and it attacked him.

I then spat at him "Don't be such a wimp, Longbottom." And Draco smirked at me.

"I think their funny" said Granger.

"Oh, yeah. Terribly funny. Really witty. God, this place has gone to the dogs. Wait until Father hears Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes." Draco spat and me Crabbe, Goyle, Sofie and Ellie all laughed.

"Shut up, Malfoy." Potter spat in our faces.

We all hooted at his actions.

Draco then sent up to him and then pretended to be scared and pointed towards the sky and said "Dementor!, Dementor!" Potter then turned around only to find their was no dementor.

We then all laughed.

Then Draco came back to the group we all put on our hoods and did  spooky dementor sounds and movements and then laughed at him. We then removed our hoods and I kissed Draco's cheek.

"Nice one babe" I said trying to get all the attention that that was my boyfriend who did that. He then pecked my lips, everyone was watching.

"Dun, dun, dun...isn't he beautiful. Say hello to Buckbeak" Hagrid said presenting a hippogriff.

"Is he mental? Those are very dangerous creatures" I whispers into Draco's ear.

"Hagrid, what exactly is that?" Weasley questioned.

"That their Ron is a hippogriff. Can anyone tell me something about a hippogriff?" Hagrid asked the class.

I quickly said "A hippogriff is a cross breed between a griffon and a mare. Hippogriffs are intensely proud creatures, and a person must show proper respect by bowing to them, and waiting for them to bow in return before approaching. Eye contact should be maintained at all times, without a single blink."

"Well done. 5 points to Slytherin" Hagrid said."Now who would like to say hello?".

Everyone took a step back including me. That beast is dangerous. Saint Potter didn't even notice we took a step back so Hagrid chose him.

He then started to instruct Potter how to approach it.

Me and Draco went a bit in front to get a good view. He took out an apple and took out a bite out of it. Then when he wasn't looking I took a bite out of it.

"You dare take a bite out of my apple" he said intimidatingly. I knew he was joking.

"Yes I dare" I said then I kissed his nose.

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