Death Eaters

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Once we got off the train a very mysterious man wearing all black and a hood over his head came up to Draco, Sofie, Aurora, Ben and me and very slowly without anyone seeing showed us the dark mark. "Follow me all of you" We went to a place in Kings cross where no one could see us. Take my hand all of you. We all grabbed his hand and we apparated in front of Malfoy manor.

We landed in front of the gate to find the one and only Bellatrix LeStrange waiting for us.

"SOFIEEEE" she screamed. She opened the giant gate and hugged her daughter.

"Hello mother" they looked like twins the only difference was the colour of their eyes and Bellatix's cheekbones were more hollow. "Everyone is waiting for you inside," she told us. She then ran to the giant door like a maniac and opened it. We all followed her and she led us to the dining room where Narcissa, my mother, and some other death eaters were sitting. A hooded figure was at the end of the table and then spoke "Thank you Travers for bringing them here"

"It was an honour my lord" The person who brought us here took off his cloak and Ben's face went white "D-Dad?"

"Hello Son," he said.

"Everyone sit down" We took a seat at the table and once everyone was seated the person at the table took off his cloak. Holy shit it was Voldemort.

"You may wonder why you all are here. Your fathers have been captured my Aurors, and in my opinion, they deserve it. They failed to bring me the prophecy and in the process destroyed it. They managed to fail a mission against a bunch of 15-year-olds. There is no what if they will be sentenced to Azkaban since they got caught red-handed." With these words, my heart dropped. "There is a way for them to escape, I can break them out. But you two (pointing to me and Draco) will have to do the thing I've been wanting to do for ages but never succeeded. Kill...Albus Dumbledore"

Is this bitch mad?! Dumbledore is the most powerful wizard in the wizarding world, there is no way we could kill him.

"If you two shall succeed your fathers shall be set free, if not...your families shall be the death eaters and me. Tomorrow at midnight a ceremony shall take place, where you two shall be made Death eaters..."

"My Lord I would like to make my daughter a death eater as well" Bellatrix interrupted.

"Of course Bellatrix, it is the least I could do for you after you proved your loyalty to me nearly 15 years ago in front of Barty Crouch. This meeting is dismissed." And then apparated away.

Everyone then got up and left. Me, Draco, Narcissa, Aurora and mum were the only people that remained. 

"We are so sorry you have to go through that, but we will do everything we can to help you" Narcissa began, whilst grabbing Draco's hand very gently and rubbing it with her thumb.

"It's the only way your fathers can get set free from Azkaban. Francesca darling, please don't turn your back on your own father" My mum added, I looked at her with tears in my eyes knowing one of my greatest fears of becoming a death eater will come true.

"I- I wish I can stay here but I and Ben are moving to our apartment in Diagon Alley today," Aurora said with a frown on her face. She got up from her seat and hugged me tightly. She then whispered in my ear "It's gonna be okay" she then grabbed her things and apparated away.

"SISSY" We heard, it was Bellatrix. "I'll be training Draco and Francesca" she then turned to us and told us " I'll teach you all the spells you need and I'll teach you also how to fight, training will start tomorrow at nine in the morning...don't be late," she said the last part with a very intimidating voice.

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