Francesca is from the Villin family a very powerful family in the wizarding world. Her family is known to be a very rich Pureblood family. When she gets her Hogwarts letter on her birthday is very exited to get sorted into Slytherin just like her fa...
I woke up in the room I was staying in at the Malfoys without Minnie shoving her butt in my face. I hope she is okay but I'm sure Pixie is taking good care of her.
It was 8:00 am so I got out of bed and did my normal routine but today I decided to curl my hair instead of straighten it. Got dressed and headed downstairs.
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When I went downstairs I found Draco eating breakfast. Narcissa today was going to spend the day with a friend of hers and Lucius was at work.
"Morning Love," he said whilst I was taking a place next to him.
"Morning," I told him kissing his cheek. Then starting to eat the pancakes in front of me.
"You know what day it is right?" he said with a mouthful of pancakes in his mouth.
"Um...Friday" I said taking another bite.
"Yes and my parents are gone for the day so the manor is all to ourselves," he smirked then winked at me.
"And the day I will still remain a virgin so no thoughts," I told him. I can basically read his mind at this point without using legitimacy.
"Shoot...well I do have something for us to do since you are no fun," he said.
"I'm lots of fun and what is this thing?" I questioned him taking the last bite out of the marvellous pancakes.
"It's a surprise, but I want to show you at noon," he told me then pecked my cheek and went upstairs.
I have so much free time what am I going to do???? Hmmm...Oh now, I know.
I went up to the room I was staying in, grabbed a piece of parchment and a quill and started to write a note.
Hey love,
I was wondering if you can come really quick to my room I have something I need you to do for me. The thing is that I changed my mind about what I said at breakfast, I mean how can you not change your mind.
Come quickly I'm waiting for you 😉😏
I folded the paper and put on some red lipstick and kissed the paper to leave a stain of the form of my lips.
I went to Draco's room which was luckily closed and slipped the note under his door and quickly went into my room and into the bathroom and closed the door. Then I peaked through the keyhole to see if he would come. I was 99.9% sure he would come.
After a few seconds, I see Draco barging into the room wearing only a pair of grey sweatpants.
Boy, he is horny as fuck.
"Love where are you? I knew you would change your mind" he said.
"In the bathroom, I was just taking a shower but you can come in. I'm not wearing anything just warning you" I said lying and pulling out my wand.