Losing a friend

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(Prepare your tissues this is a sad chapter😢😭)

The Second task has already passed and Cedric had won it. Today is the day of the third and final task, me and the girls were dressed in all black which is typical for us slytherins however Ellie was holding a yellow and black flag, Sofie had Diggory written on her forehead and I was wearing a Hufflepuff scarf. 

Draco was supporting Krum obviously.

We went to where the Last task was being held and we all took a seat. Music wad playing and a large crowd was gathered. The champions then emerged.

Dumbledore then began talking "Earlier today Professor Moody placed the tri-wizards cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now as Mr. Diggory..."

He didn't even get a chance to continue his sentence because all of the students who supported Cedric got out of their seats and cheered, Including me and the girls.

After a whilst of Dumbledore talking the champions they went into the maze. We all cheered for the champions but after a whilst we couldn't see anything in the maze. We all sat their waiting for the champions to come back.

We then saw Fleur and Krum coming back. They told everyone how once Cedric and Potter touched the cup it transported them to somewhere. Everyone was worried and I had a feeling what was going to happen.

I looked over to Draco and he had the same worried face as me.

After a bit Harry and Cedric popped out. Cedric wasn't moving and when I noticed my heart dropped.

Fleur screamed and everyone noticed that Cedric was killed.

"He's back...he's back...Voldemort is back" Potter stated whilst crying.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me whilst hugging me tightly. It was Draco. We where both crying for Cedric and for the fact that we might be forced to become death eaters.

Sofie passed out thankfully Ellie took care of her, she couldn't handle the fact that her worst fear will come true. Now that the dark Lord has returned he will break out all of his death eaters from Azkaban along with Sofie's mother who is probably his most loyal follower.

That night Draco and I slept in my bed and by slept I mean hugged each other tightly whilst Ellie took care of Sofie. Minnie couldn't sleep she was snuggling with me the entire night on my chest.  

---Cedric's memorial---

Everyone was absolutely devastated and shocked when they found out that it wasn't Madeye Moody but Barty Crouch Jr using the Polyjuice potion and gathering information for Voldemort and he was the one that turned the Tri-wizard cup into a portkey.

We all then listened to Dumbledore's speech and with a broken heart and my lover's hand holding mine we all listened.

---When you arrive home---

Me and Aurora arrived home to see mother and father in the living room very worried.

"We need to have a talk..." Father said.

Sorry luvs for the short chapter but I wanted to get Cedric's death out of the way. I think I wasted a box of tissues when writing this short chapter. 😭

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