Francesca is from the Villin family a very powerful family in the wizarding world. Her family is known to be a very rich Pureblood family. When she gets her Hogwarts letter on her birthday is very exited to get sorted into Slytherin just like her fa...
I was in the living room reading a book when my mother comes through the door.
"Dear I got some news for you" she told me.
"What is it?" I asked her.
"You will be going to the quidditch world cup with Lucius and Draco" she told me.
"Really?!?" I said and my face lit up.
"Yes you will be their to represent our family since me, your father or Aurora can't go you will have to go. Your father and Mr.Malfoy made a very generous donation to St Mungo's hospital and you will be sitting in the ministers box so whilst you are their be on your best behavior and don't...get... pregnant. Is that understood?" She said.
"Yes mother" I told her.
"Good. The quidditch world cup is in a week" she said and left.
---The day of the Quidditch World cup---
I was stuffing my bag with clothes when I hear a knock on the door.
"Come in" I said.
"Hey sis I got you something" Aurora said coming through the door. She lifted up two bottles of clear liquid.
"What's that?" I asked her.
"So you won't get pregnant" she said.
"Aurora...I'm not. Besides the day of the Pureblood ball was just the heat of the moment. I'm not doing it anytime soon" I told her.
"Yes I believe you" she said sarcastically whilst rolling her eyes. "Just take one just in case"
"...fine. So you will shut up" I told her.
"Take it right after. If you take it 5 minutes late it won't work" she said and I nodded. She then left.
I got dressed in a beautiful black dress, curled my hair and put on some light make up and slid on my snake ring.
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I grabbed my bad and headed downstairs to find Mr. Malfoy and Draco waiting for me. Mother was also their, she was wearing a funny looking black dress...a death eater costume.
"Fran dear come" she said.
I walked over to her and she continued "right after the game follow Lucius and apparate with him and Draco to the Malfoy manor I will explain everything later. Okay?" I nodded in agreement.
"Good, we can go now" Lucius said.
I smiled at Draco who barely looked at me and had a straight face. I grabbed on Mr. Malfoys Hand and Draco did the same.
Then we apparated to a giant field packed with tents, witches, wizards and a giant stadium in the middle of the field.
"This way" Mr Malfoy said and we all walked towards a tent.