Celebration and last day

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It was 5th June 1993 Draco's 14th birthday.

It was Saturday and the weekend before we start our exams so we had to throw the Slytherin prince a party.

I got dressed in a cute dress and went downstairs to get the party set up.

He was with Crabbe, Goyle and Pike in the court yard playing gobstones (its a wizard game) with them but they where actually keeping him busy

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He was with Crabbe, Goyle and Pike in the court yard playing gobstones (its a wizard game) with them but they where actually keeping him busy.

I was with the other Slytherins setting up for the party even professor Snape was helping.

"Blaise the firewiski goes on that table. Sofie the Cake is perfect, can you please help with the last decorations please? Ellie place the butterbeer on the table next to the table of the firewiski. Ben and Aurora make sure that the decorations are up in less that 10 minutes. Pansy and Theo stop making out and get on with the music playlist!!!! He likes the weird sisters so make the damn playlist!!!!" I ordered.

"Villin you are stressing out. Let me take care of this" professor Snape said. "Parkinson and Nott detention if you don't do what Villin has told you"

Then they went to make the playlist on the record player.

"Thank you professor" I told Snape and he smiled a bit and walked away.

"He's coming" Crabbe said coming through the common room door.

"What we are not done and we still have 10 minutes" Ellie said in panic.

"I got this." I said and rushed out of the door.

At the beginning of the corridor I see Draco along with Goyle and Blaise.

I ran up to them.

"Hey guys. I need to talk to my boyfriend for a bit" I said and grabbed Draco's hand and I ran to a broom closet away from the common room.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Well I had to give the birthday boy a kiss some time of the day" I said.

"And he would love that" he said and he pressed his lips against mine. I had to distract him for about 10 minutes. We continued to snog but it wasn't enough time so I slipped my tongue in his mouth and both of our tongues moved together. He then pinned me against the wall, his hands roamed around my curves, then he lifted me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. I could feel he was hard since the only thing that was separating us from doing it was our clothes.

We then stopped.

I got back on my feet and I adjusted my hair and with one move of my wand my make up was perfect again. Thank god for magic.

"Why are you dressed so formal?" He asked adjusting his all black suit.

"Its your birthday I have to dress nice" I told him.

I looked at my silver watch to see that 12 minutes had passed.

"Let's go cuddle in the common room" I said and we headed to the common room. I couldn't hear anything and when we opened the door we see everyone and we all chanted "Surprise! Happy Birthday"

He was in shock and I was relieved that everything went according to plan.

We then had the time of our life. The Weird Sisters songs were blasting the room and everyone was having a great time.

I went over to the table where the butterbeer was and took a bottle.

Then I see Sofie coming up to me.

"Fran this is the best party ever. He loves it" she said.

I looked over the crowed to see him dancing with Blaise.

"Thanks I couldn't have done it without everyone" I said.

"Oh god Goyle is having firewiski again." She said and went over to Goyle.

I continued to drink the butterbeer and then Draco came over.

"Everyone is saying that you organized this" he said.

"It was my idea but everyone helped" I told him.

"You are the best" he said and he pecked my lips.

He then went over the table were their was the firewiski and took a shot.

Looks like I have to take care of him again.

After a few minutes it was time for cake. We all sang Happy birthday and ate the cake.

We then took a few more shots yes even me and I was seeing the world around me swing round and round.

"Love can I sleep with you?" Draco asked me and I nodded. The party ended and Snape cleaned everything up with one wave of his wand then he went straight to bed.

Then both me and Draco went straight to my dorm. Sofie was snoring up a storm and Ellie was sleeping with Blaise.

I took off my make up and brushed my teeth after I started to pick out my pyjamas. Then I feel a breath on my neck and my dress being unzipped.

"I'm just helping you love" he whispered in my ear. Then my dress slipped off of me and went down to the floor. Thank merlin I was wearing a good underwear.

I felt so uncomfortable being almost naked in front of Draco. I never was confident in my body unlike my sister.

"Your gorgeous" he whispered in my ear again then he started to brush his finger against my arm.

"I-i um" I couldn't get anything out at that moment.

"Well? Are we going to bed or are you going to stay here looking gorgeous?" He said.

I grabbed and oversized shirt and put it on. Then I removed my bra from under my shirt.

When I turned around I see Draco on my bed only in his underwear.

I went on the left side of the bed and we both got under the sheets.

"Good night love" Draco said wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Good night Draco and happy birthday" I said pecking his lips.

We then fell asleep.

---Last Day of year 3---

It was officially the last day of year 3. We finished our final exam which was DADA. We also found out that Professor Lupin was a werewolf and he resigned. Such a shame he wasn't that much of a danger to us.

I was packing my clothes in my trunk when I see my parents owl come through the door and leave a letter before leaving again.

I opened the letter and it said:

Dear Francesca,

Hello dear I know we will be seeing you soon however I wanted to tell you that this year our family will be holding the Pureblood ball that happens every five years.

We also wanted to tell you that for a week our family will be going to France to visit your aunt, uncle and your baby cousin.

Mother and father.

That lovely. I never went to France and the last time I saw my aunt was about six years ago before she went to France to teach at beauxbattons.

I packed everything and headed to the Hogwarts express along with Minnie, Ellie and Sofie.

We got on the train and we found the compartment with Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and Blaise and we all went back home.

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