Francesca is from the Villin family a very powerful family in the wizarding world. Her family is known to be a very rich Pureblood family. When she gets her Hogwarts letter on her birthday is very exited to get sorted into Slytherin just like her fa...
I was getting dressed for quidditch practice with my quidditch robe that had Villin, written on the back and my lucky number 16 also. I was doing my hair in this hairstyle:
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When I saw Minnie coming into the Door. I finished my hair and picked her up and kissed her head. She was so cute especially with her Slytherin collar Draco got her last year. I then put her down on my bed where she slept. I then got my nimbus 2001 and headed down to the common room.
When I went down I saw Draco, Marcus flint our captain who is a chaser, Adrian Pucey who is also a chaser, Miles Bletchley who is Keeper, Ben who is our first Beater and David Anderson our second beater (I made him up).
"Alright so let's go to the pitch now" Flint ordered us.
We all were heading towards the Quidditch pitch when we encountered the Gryffindor Quidditch team.
"Where do you think you are going Flint," said Wood the Gryffindor Captain.
"Quidditch practise" Flint replied.
"I booked the pitch for Gryffindor today," Wood said.
"Relax Wood I got a note"Flint fired back, handing him a piece of parchment rolled up.
" 'I Severus Snape give permission for the Slytherin Quidditch team to practice today they will be needing to train their new Seeker and Chaser' You got a new Seeker and Chaser who? " Wood asked when he finished reading the note by Snape.
Draco and I walked over to Wood to reveal ourselves.
"Malfoy? Villin?" Potter questioned in disbelieve. Then Weasley and Granger came over.
"That's right and that's not all that's new this year," Draco said showing off the new brooms.
"Those are the new nimbus 2001. How did you get those?" Weasley asked.
"Generous gift from Draco's father," Flint said.
"You see Weasley unlike some Draco's father can afford the best" I spat in Weasley's face.
"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in they got in on pure talent" Granger spat in my face.
"No one asked for your opinion" Draco defended me.
"You filthy little mudblood" Me and Draco spat in her face.
Everyone on the Gryffindor team had their eyes wide open at this.
"You two will pay for that. Eat Slugs!" Weasley said trying to cast a spell on us but instead, it backfired. He went flying back, Potter and Granger went to see if he was okay but he threw up a slug. They then went to take him to Hagrid.
Me and Draco both laughed at this and then the whole Slytherin team went to the quidditch pitch.
"Alright, so I'm going to release the Quaffle, Bulgers and Snitch into the air. So Bletchley you are going to be defending those three hoops because me, Villin and Pucey will be trying to aim at the hoops. Villin, Pucey you will be working together trying to get the Quaffle away from me and trying to score in the hoops Bletchley will be guarding. Trevors (Ben's surname) and Anderson you will be trying to get the Bulgers away from all of us. And Malfoy you will be trying to catch the snitch and after you have caught it you will let it loose and try again. We have 1 hour and a half let's go!" Flint instructed us.
We all got in our positions and flint let the Snitch and Bulgers go and kept the Quaffle to himself.
We then started playing I managed to get the Quaffle from Flint and went to throw it at the hoops but Bletchley caught it. After a few tries from me, Pucy and Flint trying to score I managed to score 10 points.
When the practice session stopped I scored about 40 points, Pucy 20 and Flint managed to score 10. I mean it was two against one so it was not fair. Bletchley managed to save a lot of goals. Ben and Anderson did their job well even if I was going to get hit in the head and then Ben shot it away from me and Draco on the other hand caught the snitch about 8 times in 1 hr and a half.
I went to my Dorm, took a shower and changed into some comfy clothes since it was a Saturday.
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(Without glasses and rings)
I went downstairs to find Draco also dressed in comfy clothes reading a book and petting Minnie who was resting on his lap. I went next to him and saw that he was reading the tale of three brothers.
"You are reading my favourite story of all time without me?" I whispered softly into his ear.
"Your favourite story also happens to be mine," he said closing the book and putting it where it was with magic. "Plus now I got a better idea since you are here," he said grabbing my hand and leading me out the door. Minnie went up to my room.
I followed him and then I realised that he was taking us to the kitchen there we found a little House elf greeting us.
"Hello, Master Malfoy and Mistress Villin. What can Winky do for you today?" She said.
"Can you get us two butter beers please?" said Draco and winked at her.
"Of course come this way," she said.
She led us to a small room with a table with two chairs. The table had a rose in the middle that'd was in a vase. The room had a beautiful view of the lake.
We both took a seat and Winky brought us two butterbeer with a couple of flower-shaped cookies.
"Draco did you organise this?" I said looking around me to notice there were candles floating above us. I went into this room before and it wasn't like this.
"Yes I did I thought since we can't go to Hogsmeade and it is getting a bit cold I taught why not take you on a small date," he said then taking a sip of his butterbeer. The butterbeer they serve at Hogwarts had no alcohol in it. The one in Hogsmeade had only a little bit so we could still drink it.
"You are the best," I said.
We then talked a bit and let me tell you that the bully that everyone sees is actually a really big softie.
We then headed to the common room. We sat on the sofa cuddling.
"Thanks, Draco for being the best boyfriend and best friend in the world," I said.
"Same goes for you," he said.
We stared into each other's eyes and then we kissed. We kissed for about a minute or two and then headed to bed.