Francesca is from the Villin family a very powerful family in the wizarding world. Her family is known to be a very rich Pureblood family. When she gets her Hogwarts letter on her birthday is very exited to get sorted into Slytherin just like her fa...
I woke up to my cat meowing and brushing her head with my face. Minnie really is the cutest kitten ever she wakes me up in the sweetest ways ever. "You know what day it is Minnie?" I say to the not so small black fur ball beside me. "Meow!" She meowed. "That's right it's our birthday," I said since I got her on my birthday.
I got up showered, brushed my teeth, curled my hair and put on my birthday outfit.
I grabbed Minnie and took her downstairs with me.
Then I saw my mother, father and Aurora around the table and all together they chanted "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They all hugged me.
"Dad, it's Wednesday don't you have work today?" I said because I know how he is about work.
"I took the morning off for my Princess," he said hugging me. Then I see pixie coming out with four plates with pancakes my favourite.
I devoured my food and when I was drinking my milk an eagle came through the window and left a letter. I smiled because I recognized the eagle. My sister got the letter. "It's for you Sis," she said handing me the letter. It read:
Dear Francesca,
Happy birthday, love. I wish I can see you on your birthday but my parents and I are going somewhere today. I want to make it up to you someday I say I will take you out on our first date someday.
Love, Draco
He is so sweet I made a mental note to send him a thank you letter later.
"On so we are going swimming then we are going to have lunch here, take a little nap because at 8:00 pm we are going to a fancy restaurant, unfortunately, your father has worked so he won't be able to join us." My mum said.
---time skip (cuz I can)---
I woke up from my nap so I won't be tired to go to the restaurant. I got up from my bed-headed towards the shower and got ready. I curled my hair and put on a green dress.
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(Instead of the necklace imagine there is the locket and the heels are less high.)
I put on the earnings that Draco gave me and also the sisters by chance friends by choice bracelet Aurora gave me. Then I hear a knock on my door. It was my dad.
"Dad what are you came," I said. I was surprised he usually comes home late. I know something is up but I don't know what. "I don't want to miss my daughter's dinner at the restaurant," he said and walked away getting ready.
We arrive at reception then Aurora places a blindfold on me. I walk in the direction she walks me into and then she removes the blindfold I open my eyes and see a giant room with tables and a dancefloor with a huge cake and then everyone jumps out and says "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"