Not so Lucky

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Our first lesson was Potions with the new professor, Professor Slughorn. He used to teach my parents, and apparently, he prefers some students over others, especially the students who succeed in potions and who got the highest O.W.L results. It would be between Granger and me since it was always a competition between the two of us in every class, not just potions.

Draco and I went to the grand hall, had breakfast and went straight to potions class. Slughorn with a wide grin on his face greeted me warmly "Oh Ms Villin fancy seeing you here, your mother was top of my class and from Professor Snape I heard you are just as talented as her" I blushed being flattered by Slughorn praising me. He then turned to Draco "Mr Malfoy so wonderful to see you as well your father as I recall was not the brightest when it came to my potions class and often was incredibly clumsy especially when it came to brewing up even the simplest of concoctions however I heard good things of you from Professor Snape" Draco did not say anything he simply bowed down his head and took his place, once the whole class was seated Professor Slughorn told us to stand in front of four potions, that very second Potter and Weasley entered, Slughorn looked as if he was star struck " Harry my boy! I was beginning to worry! And I see we've brought someone with us..."

"Ron Weasley, sir. But I'm dead awful at Potions, a menace actually, so I probably should just be going --" Slughorn then interrupted "Nonsense, we'll sort you out. Any friend of Harry's is a friend of mine. Right then, books out --" before he could continue Potter pointed out that him and Weasley did not get their books, they had to take second hand books from the cupboard.

"Now, as I was saying, I've prepared a few concoctions this morning. Any ideas what these might be?" Me and Granger raised our hands at the same time "Yes, Ms Villin?" I sneered at her and then walked up to the first potion "That one there is Veritaserum. The  effectively forces the drinker to answer any questions put to them truthfully" I then walked up to the second one "And that would be Polyjuice Potion which allows the drinker to anyone they would like for and hour only if they placed something containing the other persons DNA inside of it" Then I walked up to the third and final potion "And that... is Amortentia, The most powerful love potion in the world. It's rumoured to smell differently to each person, according to what attracts them. For example, I smell apples, cologne, expensive leather, fresh grass and peppermint gum." I then turned to look at Draco who gave me a slight grin.

"Now Amortentia doesn't create actual love, of course. That's impossible. But it does cause a powerful infatuation or obsession. For that reason, it is probably the most dangerous potion in this room."

I turned my head towards Draco who was staring at the floor, he was never like this but rather made snarky comments during the lessons, never quiet not to mention he didn't utter a single word. I placed my hand ever so delicately on his arm and rubbed it with my thumb tying to comfort him, he turned his head towards me and gave me a light smirk.

The Professor then explained to us how who ever would brew the best potion of draught of living death would get as a prize a small vile of liquid luck. We all went to our stations and started working on the potion.

Oh how for the love of merlin it was not going to plan, I followed the procedure word for word however it was not mixing properly which at some point turned into a black solid. I looked over at the rest, even Granger was struggling and she is the know it all of the class. On the other hand Potter was succeeding and was quite enjoying concocting his potion. What was happening to the universe? Was Black white? Was Old Voldy good? Was Potter smart?

Obviously Potter won the prize and seemed to be Slughorn's new favorite student. I had other things to worry about like how to find that blasted cabinet. Draco and I left the class room and headed over to an old hallway which no one ever goes.

"Where could that cabinet be?" i wondered.

"Well hidden I suppose, what a lode of rubbish this is" Draco mumbled. A wave of thoughts came crashing on me and I somehow remembered of what once my father told me when I was about to enter Hogwarts. "All you could ever require for when you are in desperate need shall be found in a secret hidden room"
It hit me "The room of requirement", Draco's face lit up and replied "Of course, last year when Potter and his pathetic excuse of friends where practicing spells in that room it was the room of requirement. Oh you're bloody genius" and he kissed my forehead with a small smile. We quickly rushed to the corridor where the room of requirement appears and in a blink of an eye a door appeared, we ensured no one had followed us and went in. The room was filled with old furniture and clutter which where probably hidden in this room for safe keeping. We rummaged through the room until Draco spotted the Cabinet, he ever so gently opened the door and nothing appeared to be in it. I decided to give it a test run and took out of my satchel a green apple and placed it in the cabinet and closed it. We took out our wands and ever so quietly muttered the spell Bellatrix thought us 'Harmonia Nectere Passus', I opened the door and it vanished, we repeated the steps and when we opened the door it had a bite in it. It was obvious that we still had a lot more work to do on this cabinet.

We both decided that year that Quidditch would be too much of a handful this year so we would have much rather focused on our prefect and death eater duties other than waisting time on sports.

One thing I longed for, killing the old hag and seeing my dad again free from azkaban.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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