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I didn't think twice about rushing straight to his face.

Hoping that somehow my presence would prevent him from pulling the metal ring and causing an explosion.

When I got there, Eric looked at me in shock as he paused and said

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He yelled.

"Please don't pull the metal ring Eric, please don't do this"I pleaded with a glossy eye.

One of the men tried to take the chance and subdue the grenade from Eric.

Stupid move

The force from trying to grab the grenade made Eric involuntarily pull the metal ring and before I knew every one was running out for cover and I felt a hand grab and place me on his shoulder as we ran as fast as we could far and away from the grenade

Then the explosion came.

The person who grabbed me out of the warehouse made us lay flat on the floor as the ear piercing sound of the Grenade boomed and everywhere was up in smokes.

My head was beginning to feel dizzy because in my bid to quickly lay on the floor for cover, my head had hit a hard object with the ear shattering sound of the grenade affecting my brain and giving me a huge headache.

My eyes were becoming teary and blurry as the smoke was beginning to get to me

I was coughing which was affecting my chest and somehow I felt my entire body shutting down. I felt so weak and my breathing sound seemed to be decreasing.

I made an effort to stand up, not knowing where I was supposed to be headed.

I was getting very dizzy and I felt myself staggering before I knew it, I felt my body drop.

The next thing I could remember was

Pure Darkness


My eyes fluttered open as I observed where I was and then I was beginning to hear a beeping sound.

I tried moving my fingers, it felt a little difficult but then it moved.

"Luna" I heard the voice of someone. His voice sounded so familiar. So foreign yet so elderly and raspy.

My father.

I looked towards where I heard his voice and there he was sitting on a chair close to me as he looked at me with so much relief and yet sadness

"Papa?" I croaked and my throat felt so dry. I wanted water.

"Water please" I managed to voice out

In a minute, I got the water as I made an effort to sit up but I felt so much pain in my rib area that I groaned but I could still sit up.

I drank up and looked at my father, he was the only one in the room.

"How are you feeling?" He asked?

"I'm fine." I said, my voice sounding a bit better now.

"I already called for the doctor. He would be here soon"my father said

"When did you call for him, you barely moved" I asked, really curious.

"Luther was in here and I instructed him right after he passed me the glass of water which I gave to you" he explained

"Okay" I said while my eyes ransacked the room I was in.

It didn't look like a hospital room

The room was too big and I just noticed how huge the bed I was laying on was.

Till 21: Selena's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now