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~Why do you make me feel things, I don't want to~

I don't know how long I stood here, looking straight into Shawn's eyes as I found myself lost in thoughts...

I could hear the crowd's gasp as they probably realized ShawnLama was Shawn Angoteh of The Angoteh's Groups.

Murmuring filled the air but I tuned out as my attention was all on Shawn

I can't believe Shawn Angoteh is my celebrity crush, ShawnLama.

I really don't know what to make of this discovery.


Shawn's hug broke me out of my thoughts.

And I could feel the crowd's attention was now more focused on what was going on between Shawn and I on stage.

I could feel all eyes on me and that much attention was a bit uncomfortable.

I pulled out of his embrace for what felt like forever but was just a few seconds and said

"Asshole!" I whisper yelled.

Shawn chuckled and I added.

"I can't believe you are ShawnLama! The fuck Shawn? Why didn't you tell me? And why did you call me up on stage?"I said my thoughts in a whisper, hopefully they won't hear me

"Telling you I was ShawnLama would ruin the excitement of you, coming to the unveiling." He replied simply

"Why did you call me up here?" I asked referring to why I was standing on the stage in front of thousands of people

"You know what? We would talk about this when all this is over. We are on the fucking stage" I voiced, not wanting to feed the audience with any more news.

"I would explain later but don't get angry with what I am about to do..." He said and the next thing I felt were his warm lips on mine and my entire system melted.

The crowd went into a series of applauds and awwwn-ings

we broke off from the kiss

"I got you covered... "he said with a wink

"You better do" I said

Shawn smirks at me and spoke to the crowd.

"Meet Selena Jerome, my girlfriend ."



Before I could comprehend what was going on, the crowd burst into applauds and whistles and awwwwn.

I'm so not letting things go down like this... So I signalled for a microphone and it was presented to me quickly.

"Urhm that's not true Shawn.. I'm not your girlfriend " I said, looking at him straight in the eye.

"I guess you are now.. "

As I walked away in a bid to leave the stage

oh... All eyes were on me and It was quiet for a while before Shawn said

"Exactly, why I love her!"

Argh! I would strangle him!! He just turned the table around as I heard laughter's, applauds, whistles and screams.

"Wow! That was so sweet and bad-ass" Betty said as I walked to our table and grabbed my bag.

"I would go with bad-ass,but sweet? Nope! Let's go" I said

"Won't you be struck with paparazzi or something?" Betty asked.

"Thanks to Shawn for that!" I said with a pang of irritation and frustration.

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