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~I'm indeed Aurora but my prince charming ain't after a kiss~
-Luna Svyatoyvich

Selena's POV

"Whoaw! All this problem Because of whoever Leo is?" I asked totally taken aback by the story.

I did not let him answer as I blasted him with another question.

"Why did you not explain to them, tell them you were not the killer?" I asked.

"They wouldn't listen to me, all evidence was pointed at me and that was all they needed" my father answered.

"You would have tried reaching out to them to tell'em the truth" I reasoned

" I tried but they did not believe me and claimed I was making up stories" he explained

"Why didn't you force, threaten or blackmail Leo into speaking the truth"

"Oh dear, I tried. The one time I attempted that, he almost used it as an escape from my grasp, screaming I was holding him hostage and they should come set him free" He said with a slight nod

"Thats so evil, why is he so hell bent on ruining you" I asked curiously.

"That is a question I can't answer" He replied.

"So, how is the Arm trade going" I asked, Sipping my glass of juice.

"Its going great, we are this close to closing off a deal with the military of Afghanistan. This would be a huge deal for the enterprise and assist in boosting our international trades." He said with so much excitement in his voice and sparks in his eyes. Its obvious he really loves his arm business.

"We are also working on a few highly confidential weapons for the Russian Government. When this project is completed, it would put the Moon's Enterprise at the fore front and possibly place us among the top 10 arm traders in the world."He said as he sipped his juice.

"What are we ranking now?" I asked curiously.

"twentieth" he replied.

Before I could ask more

"Dear, I have a meeting in the next 25 minutes, I would love to leave and prepare if you don't mind" He cut in

"Oh, sure. When would u be back?"

"Perhaps in the evening, but we would have dinner together" he assured.

I had so many questions to ask but I did not get the chance to.

We had our dinner but it was rather silent with a few 'are you enjoying ur meal?' And a few 'yes, what about you?'

After dinner, he apologized for his frequent absence and it might happen more because he is trying to ensure I'm far from the Russo's reach plus he is still handling the enterprise from here.

Its funny how I think this is almost  related to the 'sleeping beauty' story with the death curse and all. But, I'm no Aurora, there's no prince charming coming to my rescue.

Sometimes, this whole situation pisses me off! Because, all this is going on because of stupid Mr Leonard!

Why won't father kill him?
I would if were him.

Mr Leo ruined my life before I was even birthed and its really eating me up in annoyance and with how bitter I'm feeling towards him, I wish I could gun him DEAD!

Then again, I think...

If I hadn't worn that gown to ShawnLama's unveiling, my life won't have changed as much as it has now.

If I had waited longer till I clicked twenty-one like Vikto - - sorry, father said... The threat would no longer be on me

Then... Who?

And that is when it hit me!

The Russo's would finally have their hands on Viktor. My protection would mean his death...

That means Mr Leonard wins, regardless.

I can't let that happen, I guess that is why my father did not pressurize Leonard into confessing to the Russo's.

He feels... Guilty!



He did nothing wrong, he shouldn't feel guilty, Leonard knew what he was getting himself involved in when he agreed to stay with Vikto - - ... Sorry, My father. Calling him 'father still feels strange with me but hopefully with time it won't.. I guess.

My mind has gone into a frenzy with this new theory, which is;

My father plans to figure out a way to keep me safe till I'm 21 so that I become eligible to head his enterprise and the protection of the Russio's fall from him to me, making him vulnerable to the Russo's who would finally get their vengeance on him.

My heart fell with this new realization, does he really love me that much?

A fresh wave of admiration seeped into me for my father and at the same time my heart breaks, I can't let him die!

Oh God!

What do I do?

I guess I'm Aurora after all and my prince charming is my father

Its a Double Update!

Till 21: Selena's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now