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~What did I tell you about talking to strangers?~
-Anonymous E

Selena's POV

The past two weeks has gone pretty swiftly.. My life, moving like a train taking unexpected turns.

I am still staying with Shawn and my supposed biological 'Dad' hasn't given me a call and I'm beginning to question if all this is really true.

I haven't gotten any attempted attack, or any 'DANGER' vibe.

Life has been moving pretty normal as it used to. Except, I have no body to call 'Mom' and 'Dad' anymore. I don't have  any actual person to Call a 'brother' or a 'Sister' and oh! I now go to school in cool Cars. I also have guards now and guess what..? They added 2 extra guards to the list.
The perks of being an arm lord daughter..hmm?

The other guards except Luther, just blend in the school crowd with micro-chips for communication.     Wait!!... Is it microchips they call those ear thingys? Those ear things you see   Pro-Guards use and at times bad guys guards in movies use for communication with their fellow guards..?

I still speak to Betty and we are still cool, I haven't told her about my biological dad's stuff.
I know I should, since she is my close friend.. I'm just scared she would decide to avoid me to save herself from any possible harm that could come with knowing me...

Am I being selfish for wanting a close friend..?

Mr&Mrs Jerome haven't tried to call me and neither has Amanda or Armani... Their lines ain't going true and the house is now empty like no one ever lived there..

Amanda and Armani ain't replying my messages on Instagram.

They just left without a proper goodbye. It hurts but I have found strength in all this and Shawn has been very nice and affectionate towards me lately.

No, we have not been having sex.
I know!  ...I'm shocked too..

Shawn is a really busy young man. He is always working and even on weekends.

In spite of his busy schedule he always makes out time for us.
I don't know but that means a lot to me.

Since,Shawn and I can't go to public places without disguise, we either bring the public place to the mansion or go out on disguise.

The only place we can go without a disguise on, is the club.

We attend church services on Sundays but with guards and minor disguise of course, mostly 6am services. We would have attended Online church services but there is something different with the atmosphere in a church gathering than the online ones...
I just can't explain it...

It's just something I really needed.

Tonight, Shawn and I would be going clubbing. I am really excited because I could do with a little Fun Friday with Shawn...

Shawn... What do I say about him? The guy is some real hot 21 year old millionaire but he is more to that.

Shawn ...

I feel safe around him

I feel cared for around him

I feel valued around him

I feel special around him

And I am not gonna lie that I get butterflies fluttering in my stomach when I see him look at me with so much adoration

I feel my heart beat fast when he hugs me to soothe my damaged heart..

I love his laughter, it sounds so melodic..

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