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Shawn is Fredrick's murderer?


Deep shit!

That explains why Eric was working for Shawn, his parents didn't cut him off financially

It was his made up lie to get Shawn.

Eric really did find out Fredrick's killer.

Another major fuck!

I know Eric is hell-bent on destroying his brother's killer and if he has waited over a year just to execute his plans... Whatever his plans against Shawn are, it must be really massive.

"This is fucked up, Shawn..." I finally said

"I know" Shawn said and exhaled.

"How did you even find out about Eric's relation to Fredrick and don't you do background checks on whoever you take in your personal employ? " I asked

"I did, okay?... But as you know Eric is a computer guru and he probably hacked into the security agency where I hire guards from and changed a few information about him and I did not realize that Fredrick was an Aghaulor until today and that's when I finally put the pieces together" he said

"I don't understand, how did you not know that Fredrick was an Aghaulor?" I asked

"Killing him was never my intent... I'm not trying to justify killing him... Never! I take full responsibility of my actions and even though I'm not facing the law for it, I carry that guilty conscience around me and I forever regret my actions, I took a life and it haunts me day in day out. the realization of my ability to take a life scares me, I took therapy, I became withdrawn, I kept distance, fearing I could hurt someone else if I had another angry outburst. It only happens when it's triggered but I wouldn't risk it.
I became a good actor, playing alright for the press, showing up for business meetings, going for charity events, playing the perfect role of a rich eligible bachelor but distant none the less and indoors, I struggled with depression, trauma and I was disoriented, that was when I started singing songs that matched my mood. It gave me a sense of relieve, made me feel free from the haunting memory of every punch that snatched Fredrick's life away." He said, obviously struggling.

"Why did you kill him?"I asked

"He killed my girlfriend"

"Hell! How did you know?"

"I watched the security footage"he answered

"This is messed up!"I stated the obvious

"Where is Eric now?" I asked

"I left him here to protect you but I noticed when I came in, he wasn't in here. Perhaps, he went on an errand?he asked.

"I haven't seen him around,since the past week"I said as my mind went haywire with possibilities of what his absence mean

"Fuck! Why wasn't I informed?" He breathed and brought out his phone to make a few phone calls.

"Where is Eric?"I heard his voice ask with turbulence and authority combined.

Turns out Eric is no where to be found and this troubles me. He is probably working towards executing his revenge plans.

What do I do to save Shawn from whatever troubles, Eric has in stock for him.

What do I do

Call him?

I don't have his phone number.

We just have to sit and wait this out

I shared Shawn with every information I had about Eric, what I knew and what dating him was like.

Shawn is currently working with a number of trusted people to track down Eric and that was when it happened.

A footage was sent to Shawn

What footage?

The footage that showed a very angry Shawn punching the living day out of poor Fredrick.

That was so gruesome and scary, I looked at Shawn and took a step back.

Was that really Shawn?

His face was completely morphed into something way scary, perhaps the rumors about the Angoteh Family was  true.

They are real monsters

The way he kept punching a lifeless looking Fredrick like a predator feasting on its prey.

I don't know what Eric has planned for Shawn but I know for a start that it isn't something pretty.

Not after watching that footage

Perhaps that's what Eric has been going undercover as his guard for.

To find that very link and footage that implicates Shawn.

How could he even tell there was a footage?

How did he even find it.

"I can't believe that's you" I said as I gasped, clutching my lips and taking steps away from him

Shawn was silent but I could see the hurt flash in his eyes.

What is with me falling for Bad boys?

First, it was Eric, then Jeremy and now Shawn. Like it just keeps getting worse.

Shawn is a cold blooded murderer.

I ran off to my room and clutched myself into a ball on the bed.

A part of me expected Shawn to come running after me, but he didn't.

I sobbed.

I have no idea why

I just feel my life is totally messed up.

Is it selfish to be feeling bad about myself instead of for Shawn?

Whose entire life might go down the drain if those footages are released and his business falls for it too?

But then, I'm still shocked at the fact that Shawn really ended Fredrick's life.

My Shawn

I know what he did was messed up but he stood by me when everyone else didn't and I'm being a bitch to leave him now that he needed me more.

So, I decided to go down there and solve this mess. Hopefully no one gets hurt in the end.

Getting down, everywhere was a buzz and I could hear Shawn shouting orders.

What's going on?

I walk up to Shawn

"What's going on?" I asked

"I'm meeting up with Eric"he replied.

"I would come with you" I chipped in

"No, he requested I come alone"Shawn said abruptly.

"You know that's not a good idea, right? He could end you as quick as you come"I voiced out

"I would rather die than live to see that footage released to the press. Com'on if your perspective of me could change from watching that Video, imagine what the whole world would view me as. So, go inside your room and watch some Netflix, Let me handle this" Shawn said in dismissal

"But, I don't want you dead" I croaked.

"We don't always get what we want"Shawn said and walked away to bark some more orders.

I don't know what his plan is

But, I know what mine is.

I'm following Shawn to wherever the fuck he is meeting up with Eric and I know just the guy to help.


After a month of no updates, I finally did.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

No one here wished me a Happy Birthday and my heart is broken.

But, it's fine. That's part of life.

Peace Out✌🏾
- Ebere🖤

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